dp anime?


So I heard you like muDkiPz!
On april 20th I didnt see the english dp episodes so can anyone tell me how I can watch them?
Gamefreak734 said:
On april 20th I didnt see the english dp episodes so can anyone tell me how I can watch them?

If you missed them yesterday, then I would suggest looking around on some fansites (sometimes they post stuff like that). But I suggest you go to You Tube.
Hurry! Turn on your TV, it's on now, but ending. But it might be on later, or tomorrow. But it might be too late when you see this...
I wish the anime was more like the game...Some specific things i guess a\would be own names, move mechanics, levels, and also characters! They really need to stop following Ash.
Ya I kind of agree, but who would they follow around or who would be the main character.
Ya DP tomorrow!!!
Darksword said:
I wish the anime was more like the game...Some specific things i guess a\would be own names, move mechanics, levels, and also characters! They really need to stop following Ash.
