Do you have any ideas for Diamond and Pearl english Pokemon names??
My idea:
Hikozaru-Fimonkey Naetle-Netoise Pocchama-Penty
Mokouzaru-Blazmonkey Hayashigame-Yatoiste Pottaichi-Poguin
Goukozaru-Flarmonkey Dodaitoise-Doturtle Empelt-Emperor
Any other ideas?
Pro (Medicham ex and Delcatty ex lover)
My idea:
Hikozaru-Fimonkey Naetle-Netoise Pocchama-Penty
Mokouzaru-Blazmonkey Hayashigame-Yatoiste Pottaichi-Poguin
Goukozaru-Flarmonkey Dodaitoise-Doturtle Empelt-Emperor
Any other ideas?
Pro (Medicham ex and Delcatty ex lover)