Draft Pre-Release questions?


Aspiring Trainer
Apologies if I'm asking a dumb question, but I had a question about the pre-release draft events. Are all the events standardized? For example, I see other people posting similar events ($25/per, 6+2 boosters, bonus card box / sleeves, etc) but not exactly the same (e.g. bonus for bringing new players, etc)

Do you keep the cards from the boosters you open and build your 40-card deck, or do you open/pick/pass like with some other CCG drafts?

The 40 you pick for your deck, that's 40 cards + energy or does that include energy?

Lastly, the energy you pick for your deck, do you get to keep those?

Thank you!
At the beginning of the tournament, you open 6 packs of cards, and build the best 40 card deck you can with the cards provided, this includes the Energy card you use in your deck. Any games that you play are a four prize format, not six. You do not get to keep the energy cards, in less you decided to use your own, the other 2 packs you receive are giving to you after you turn in your energy cards at the end of the event. Any cards that you pulled out of the packs at the event, you do get to keep. I hope this helps.