Ok, a draft is where you sit in a table group of people, and each person gets 3 packs. First, everyone opens one of their packs, then chooses one card from that pack (and puts it in front of them), and passes the rest of the cards to their right/left. After everyone has done that, the players look at the cards that were just passed to them, choose one of them, then pass the rest on to the right/left. This continues until everyone has 10 cards (not the exact ones they got in their pack), and then you move on to the next pack. You continue this with the other 2 packs, reversing the direction you pass your cards to each time. You end up with 30 cards, and then you must construct a 40 card deck with them and energy cards that you borrow from the store or wherever. Then you play a small tournament with your 40 card deck against other people, and you can win prizes for 1st/2nd, etc.
Hope this helped!