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Dragon Ascent (Mega Rayquaza EX)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 14

  • 3 - Rayquaza EX (RSK 60)
    3 - Mega Rayquaza EX (RSK 61)
    4 - Reshiram (RSK ?)
    2 - Manectric EX
    1 - Hydreigon EX (RSK ?)
    1 - Shaymin EX (RSK ?)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33

  • 4 - Professor Sycamore
    4 - N
    2 - Lysandre
    1 - Skyla
    1 - Colress

    1 - Computer Search
    2 - VS Seeker
    3 - Rayquaza Spirit Link
    4 - Ultra Ball
    2 - Professor's Letter
    3 - Mega Turbo
    1 - Energy Retrieval
    1 - Switch
    2 - Escape Rope
    1 - Startling Megaphone

    2 - Scorched Earth
Energy: 12

  • 6 - Fire Energy
    2 - Lightning Energy
    4 - Double Dragon Energy


This deck revolves around the new Dragon-Type Mega Rayquaza EX from Roaring Skies. Ideally you would lead with Victini EX (or Reshiram) and begin powering up Mega Rayquaza. Reshiram can serve as a Safeguard counter, Hydreigon EX provides free retreat, and Shaymin EX is to provide more draw power. Scorched Earth is to provide a Stadium for Hydreigon, but I'm open to suggestions for better Stadiums. Possibilities would be Mountain Ring or maybe Shadow Circle to remove Weakness (using Double Dragon Energy).

I settled on this combo since Emboar seemed too slow, and Mega Manectric was too clunky. I haven't proxy tested this deck yet, but the problems look to be too many small EX's, and inconsistency.

Card Spoilers

Mega Rayquaza EX - 230 HP (Dragon)
Delta Wild - Any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks from your opponent's Fire, Water, Grass, or Lightning Pokemon is reduced by 20.

Dragon Ascent (RRRLC) - 300
Discard 2 Energy attached to this Pokemon

Rayquaza EX - 180 HP (Dragon)

Dragon Claw (CC)- 30
Dragon Strike (RRLC) - 130
Flip a coin. If tails, this Pokémon can't use Dragon Strike during your next turn.

Reshiram - 130 HP (Dragon)
Ability: Turboblaze - Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon, you may attach 1 Fire Energy from your hand to 1 of your Dragon Pokémon.

Bright Wing (FFLC) - 110
Discard a Fire Energy attached to this Pokémon.

Hydreigon EX - 180 HP (Dragon)
Ability: Dragon Road - If there is any Stadium card in play, the Retreat Cost of each of your Dragon Pokémon is Double Colorless less.

Shred (PDC) - 80
This attack's damage isn't affected by any effects on your opponent's Active Pokémon.

Mega Turbo - Item
Attach a basic Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your M Pokémon-EX.

Double Dragon Energy
This card can only be attached to Dragon Pokémon. This card provides every type of Energy, but provides only 2 Energy at a time, only while this card is attached to a Dragon Pokémon.
(If this card is attached to anything other than a Dragon Pokémon, discard this card.)
Hi Snyder005,

Nice deck. Consider these modifications:

- 3 Victini EX (Reshiram and Escape Rope seem to be much better)
- 1 Energy Retrieval (use Mega Turbo instead)
- 2 Switch (two Escape Rope suffice)

+ 1 Reshiram (you want to start with one)
+ 1 Colress (a little more draw would be nice)
+ 1 Escape Rope (nice with Reshiram)
+ 1 Mega Turbo (needed boost)
+ 1 Vs Seeker (three are awesome)
+ 1 Scorched Earth (third stadium to activate Hydreigon Ex and discard to use Mega Turbo)

Hope this provides some initial assistance.
I dunno much about this deck-type, but it seems a few Battle compressor might speed up the deck. Especially if you bump it up to 4 turbos.
I would go with 2/2/2 Emboar for more consistency and maybe 2 superior energy retrieval with 4 battle compressors/ 4 VS seekers
2-2-2 Emboar would be terribly inconsistent. Battle Compressor is pretty bad for this deck since the energy acceleration is from your hand, not the discard, except for Mega Turbo, but ideally you would use Mega Turbo to recharge after attacking.


Substituted Victini EX for 2x Manectric EX and 1 Reshiram. Manectric EX provides an efficient off-type attacker and Yveltal/Flying 'Quaza counter.

Decided on Skyla to help get switch cards, spirit links, or energy retrieval cards.

I only kept 2 Scorched Earth since its only purpose is to provide a stadium for Hydreigon's ability, with the small possibility of draw and acceleration using Mega Turbo. Its contribution to the deck's strategy is minimal.
Why is 2-2-2 Emboar inconsistent? If you play evo-soda and ultra ball then there should be no problem in getting Emboar up by at least turn 3... scorched earth and fiery torch are great in discarding fire energies for the draw, and if you use 2 fiery torches and scorched earth in one turn, then you've drawn 6 cards right there without having to use a supporter. (that then lets you blacksmith)