Pokémon: 17
3 Wailord-EX (PCL 38)
3 Altaria (BCR 152)
3 Cherubi (PLS 6)
3 Swablu (LTR 103)
3 Cherrim (PLS 7)
2 Dragonite-EX (FUF 74)
Trainers: 30
3 Muscle Band (XY 121)
1 Computer Search (BCR 137)
2 Lysandre (FLF 90)
3 Colress (PLS 118)
4 Shauna (XY 127)
3 Rough Seas (PCL 137)
4 N (DEX 96)
1 Lysandre's Trump Card (PHF 118)
3 Professor Juniper (PLF 116)
2 VS Seeker (PHF 109)
4 Ultra Ball (FLF 99)
Energy: 13
9 Grass Energy (XY 132)
4 Lightning Energy (XY 135)
Put Wailord up front and take any incoming damage. rough seas + 2 fair weather heals from Cherrims makes a 70 damage buffer every turn. this coupled with the insane 250 health and Wailord provides the perfect tank for 3 turns. then on the third turn I use Dragonites bust in ability to get all the spread out grass and electric energy off of the Wailord, 2 Altarias, and 2 Cherrims then attach muscle band to Dragonite and with the 40 damage boost from the Altarias and 20 damage boost from the band and the other 40 damage increase from discarding a grass energy Dragonites jet sonic attack comes out to a 180 damage KO.
3 Wailord-EX (PCL 38)
3 Altaria (BCR 152)
3 Cherubi (PLS 6)
3 Swablu (LTR 103)
3 Cherrim (PLS 7)
2 Dragonite-EX (FUF 74)
Trainers: 30
3 Muscle Band (XY 121)
1 Computer Search (BCR 137)
2 Lysandre (FLF 90)
3 Colress (PLS 118)
4 Shauna (XY 127)
3 Rough Seas (PCL 137)
4 N (DEX 96)
1 Lysandre's Trump Card (PHF 118)
3 Professor Juniper (PLF 116)
2 VS Seeker (PHF 109)
4 Ultra Ball (FLF 99)
Energy: 13
9 Grass Energy (XY 132)
4 Lightning Energy (XY 135)
Put Wailord up front and take any incoming damage. rough seas + 2 fair weather heals from Cherrims makes a 70 damage buffer every turn. this coupled with the insane 250 health and Wailord provides the perfect tank for 3 turns. then on the third turn I use Dragonites bust in ability to get all the spread out grass and electric energy off of the Wailord, 2 Altarias, and 2 Cherrims then attach muscle band to Dragonite and with the 40 damage boost from the Altarias and 20 damage boost from the band and the other 40 damage increase from discarding a grass energy Dragonites jet sonic attack comes out to a 180 damage KO.