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dragon song (zweilous-altaria)


is addicted to sonic plushies :)
4-4zweilous dragons exalted (with dragon claw)
4-4 altaria dragons exalted
1 sableye dex
3 level ball
3 ultra ball
3 communucation
4 n
2 super rod
4 juniper
1 cilan
3 cheren
2 random receiver
8{D} energy
4{P} energy
4 blend energy {D}{P}{G}{R}

the strategy is to set up 2-3 altaria's and to use zweilouses dragon claw for with 2 altarias 120
and with 3 altarias 140 damage gabite is for his dragon call so you can get a zweilous or a altaria really fast
you could run the denio nv with d patch then your almost garinteed a t2 dragon claw but this might not work don't see a point in cilan it would be a waste of hand space if u dont need energy

also try to add in catcher

greet dck
2 emolgas will speed the deck up aswell and to make room you could -1 cheren and -1 super rod just my opinion though but this looks like an amazing deck
I don 't think the a Gabite is needed because all of you Pokémon are searchable with Level Ball. The reason it works in Garchomp is because it's part of Garchomp's evolution line. It and Gible become free prizes immediately, and you cant even attack with it. You also don't need that many Super Rod. Emolga will work awesomely in the deck because you need multiple basics at once. You'll have issues with Garchomp decks because they can attack faster and you Zweilous are weak to them. Hydreigon NVI can help you in this matchup because it can snipe multiple Altarias at once. Since you run Darkness, Sableye will be a worthy addition to your deck.

- 2-2 Gabite
- 1 or 2 Super Rod
- 1 Ultra Ball
- 3 Communication
- 1 Cilan
- 2 Psychic Energy
- 12-13

+ 4 Emolga
+ 1 Level Ball
+ 1-2 Hydreigon NVI
+ 2 Sableye
+ 2 Darkness
+ 10-11
why use a low hp pokemin like zweilous when u could use the other garchomp if u want to be different, it does 80 for a water, fighting and colourless and it has 140hp instead of 80, so it wont get 0hko by darkrai and terrakion. the gabite can pull dragons out from the deck, so its infinatly better
there is only 1 prob with your deck and thats low hp try running giant cloak/cape

+ 4 cloak
- 1 cilan (don't see the point in this)
- 3 ultra ball (unless you run nv deino w/d patch there no point in it when can run more lvl ball
hadoken_101 said:
why use a low hp pokemin like zweilous when u could use the other garchomp if u want to be different, it does 80 for a water, fighting and colourless and it has 140hp instead of 80, so it wont get 0hko by darkrai and terrakion. the gabite can pull dragons out from the deck, so its infinatly better

ok i will try that out