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Aspiring Trainer
  • 4-1-3 Dragonite PLF
  • 2-2 Garbodor DRX
  • 2x Tropius PLB
  • 1x Shaymin BCR
  • 4x Professor Juniper
  • 3x N
  • 1x Colress
  • 3x Skyla
  • 1x Hugh
  • 3x Rare Candy
  • 3x Ultra Ball
  • 3x Catcher
  • 3x Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2x Float Stone
  • 2x Exp Share
  • 1x Super Rod
  • 1x Switch
  • 1x Tool Scrapper
  • 2x Virbank City Gym
  • 1x Rock Guard (Ace)
  • 6x Grass Energy
  • 2x Electric Energy
  • 3x Double Colorless Energy
Basic strategy is to have both out with Dragonite only using Deafen to prevent items and Garbodor to prevent abilities.

I find Tropius a good tech in general. Helps start up with Return and hits hard with Energy Press. I am on the fence about Genesect, its helpful for start up, but after that it becomes useless and i rather have Shaymin BCR, since it has less hp and can attack with only 2 energy instead of 3. With Exp Share i can get that energy back faster than with Genesect. Laserbank is something i am also trying to decide is needed. yes it helps a lot. But with only 3 lasers in the deck its not that helpful. I rather it be another dragonite, Garbodor set, rare candy, and catch or something. But i cant decide if i should take it out or not.

Anway, comments and suggestions would be appreciated.
I think that Shaymin BCR would be a better choice than Genesect as Genesects call for family will only let you search out 2 grass basics whereas Shaymin will allow you any 2 basics meaning you don't limit yourself to only being able to get out Tropius with it, although if you dont start with Shaymin it will become less than useless fast.
Also I would be tempted to remove Hugh (I'm not a fan of it) for either another catcher, laser or colress.
I initially had ghetsis, to use after a few turns of deafen and the item cards start to stack up in the opponents hand. But i never found it that useful. I usually only get 2 or 3 cards, it also doesnt hurt my opponent since they cant use them at that point anyway, and it just shuffles it back into their deck. This way they have to discard cards incase i am getting close to losing my item lock.

Also i didnt know genesect was grass only. That settles it then. I don't really like genesect in this deck anyway.

I haven't tried it myself yet... have you considered Zebstrika instead of Dragenite? they do the same thing, little less damage, but 1 less energy and only a stage 1 allows you to cut at least 3 cards and get the same result. unless you need the dragon type for weakness.

as for your other question, I would keep in Laser/bank just because you shut off abilities so they can't rush in or Verdant wind the statuses off.
The thing is this deck does really well against the new trubbish/sigilyph deck. Though if it is changed to zebstrika. It will do 20 damage less and also have 90 hp. It would be a 2HKO against a sigilyph, and take 3 hits from Zebstrika to knock it out. Dragonite is able to knock it out everything in that deck in 1 hit if i need to. Though at the cost of breaking the item lock.

There is a wider range of pokemon that dragonite can OHKO and keep item lock alive. Simply with catcher. Something zebstrika could never hope accomplish.

I am most worried about the new Haxorus decks. As Haxorus can OHKO Dragonite with 2 energy. While dragonite couldnt do it and keep the item lock. I would be forced to use Healwing and break my item lock. Though if i manage to knock out the first Haxorus. It will be a long time until they can get another one up as long as i can keep them from using pokemon search and rare candies.

I also want to find a spot for a silver bangle to help against Exs. Their large hp is a problem for my deck. I was able to beat a deck that used Lugia/Raticate/Ninetales, purely because they wasted their early turns catchering out a garbodor before i got dragonite started. Then after the plasma energy was gone i was free catcher and OHKO all the small basics on the bench. But the lugia took a whole 3 turns to cleanly knock out and prevent colress machine. I imagine that would have been much faster with a silver bangle as it would turn into an easy 2HKO that could still keep the lock going.
I would highly consider jirachi ex considering if this deck sets up, it wins and remember, you do cancel catcher, now i know that garbotoxin cancels this, but I think the item lock will be mire important, so set that up first.
I could take out laser bank for 5 cards.
+1 Dragonite
+1 Rare Candy

leaving 3 cards left. Could be silver bangle, mirror, trubbish, garbodor, or jirachi.

I also want to change 1 or more grass energy to double colorless/electric. I would like to use the better dragonair that does 20 for 1 electric + flip for paralysis. But with only 2 electric in my deck. i find it hard to get the electric early, thus leaving me forced to use the not as good dragonair that uses 2 dce to do some damage.