There are 6 extra cards in this set up that I need to take out, but I can't figure out which ones.
At first glance when you look at this deck, it seems totally all over the place... but it's not. For the double dragon energy counts as 2 of any type when attached to a dragon type, so this means that I can use fairy transfer to move it from one of my dragons to another so by following this reasoning I can power up a mega Rayquaza by turn 2, because the fifth energy can be anything and so I can metal links it onto mega Rayquaza then using fairy transfer and fairy garden I can rush and retreat with Keldeo. This will let 2 benched Bronzongs refresh the 2 metal energies I discarded with mega Rayquazas attack. and because the metal energies are always being recycled I can use fairy transfer to max potion any damage away. Shadow circle is just there to prevent fairy weakness.
Another Consideration instead of Aromatisse/Bronzong and fairy garden is Hydreigon and Darkrai. But that set up takes even more room than this one does. Though it might work much better
2 Spritzee
2 Aromatisse
3 Bronzor
3 Bronzong
3 Rayquaza-EX
3 Mega Rayquaza EX
2 Keldeo EX
3 Battle compressor
3 VS seeker
2 Revive
3 Professor Juniper
3 N
2 Colress
1 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's trump
1 Skyla
1 Computer search
3 Max Potion
2 evo-soda
3 Ultra ball
3 Rayquaza spirit link
4 fairy garden
1 Shadow circle
4 Double dragon energy
4 Metal energy
4 fairy energy
At first glance when you look at this deck, it seems totally all over the place... but it's not. For the double dragon energy counts as 2 of any type when attached to a dragon type, so this means that I can use fairy transfer to move it from one of my dragons to another so by following this reasoning I can power up a mega Rayquaza by turn 2, because the fifth energy can be anything and so I can metal links it onto mega Rayquaza then using fairy transfer and fairy garden I can rush and retreat with Keldeo. This will let 2 benched Bronzongs refresh the 2 metal energies I discarded with mega Rayquazas attack. and because the metal energies are always being recycled I can use fairy transfer to max potion any damage away. Shadow circle is just there to prevent fairy weakness.
Another Consideration instead of Aromatisse/Bronzong and fairy garden is Hydreigon and Darkrai. But that set up takes even more room than this one does. Though it might work much better