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Standard Drampa/Garb/Dusk Mane


*thumbs up*
Here's my current list:

Baby Dusk Mane is there to put in good chip numbers, and combined with Po Town, can start 2HKO-ing things like Zoroark. Although, the reason it's really there is to bait the KO and return KO with Drampa, which struggles to hit numbers against certain decks. It's also nice to set up Garb KOs if your opponent doesn't have more than a handful of items discarded. I have been having thoughts of swapping Unit Energy to Rainbow and Po Town to Parallels+1 space, but without Po Town, you have no way to T2 Berserk for 180. I think Kartana could be cute, but there's nothing I want to drop, and the GX attack loses it's usefulness late enough into the game where Trashalanche is almost guaranteed to take prizes.
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The list runs super well. I dropped the 4th Ultra Ball for a 3rd Treasure. If I'm likely hitting Brigette turn 1, I don't often have to search Drampa or Dusk Mane, so having a 3-3 split of searching is good to me.

Destroying Ultra Necrozma is really fun. They don't want to KO Dusk Manes, so I just set up early game and once the lock starts and I can take KOs, they can't do much. I might main this deck over Buzzgarb.
Bump. I think the list is optimized. Having a lot more supporters makes late game N not suck as much. If you can get T1 Brigette+Energy attachment, you're good to go. If it draws well, it has no autolosses, and can go 50-50 with about everything meta. Garbotoxin may tip certain matchup s in your favor.