Draw Support and Bats for Garchomp BPT Variant?


Aspiring Trainer
I need some advice I'm really not good at deck building here's what I'm thinking should a Garchomp deck have octillery or shaymin? Another thing would bats fit in this deck as well thank you to anyone who responds:D
It depends whether you're thinking about using a Maxie variant or a traditional evolution variant. A Maxie variant definitely will prefer Shaymin-EX, as Octillery lines are clunkier and take time. Evolution variants probably won't mind either Shaymin or Octillery, but would like Shaymin for a bigger early-game boost, and Octillery for consistency boost. It is possible to run a Shaymin-EX and 2-2 Octillery.

I doubt you'll have space, and anyways, I'd generally suggest not and instead go for some other option, as Bats are really only useful when you need to really increase your damage output (i.e. in Toad's case) or you're running a powerful sniping deck (i.e. Landorus/Bats). Bats will not work in a Maxie's variant because of clunk, and you won't have space in an evolution deck.
Further, I recently built and started testing a Garchomp deck. I wanted to get multiple Garchomps into play as soon as possible. Maxie's (Hidden Ball Trick) deck variants do not inherently support the "fast," concurrent setup of 3-4 benched Pokemon. It's "engine" is used to primarily get only 1 (at most 2) noted Pokemon (e.g., Gallade) onto one's bench for support purposes primarily. Checkout the Deck Garage and look for decks that utilizes Gallade. In most cases, you will see the Maxie's engine comprised of:

2-3 "Target" Pokemon
3-4 Acro Bike
2-3 Battle Compressor
2-3 Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick
3-4 Trainer's Mail
3-4 Ultra Ball

One of the key principles behind this engine to "explode" through your deck T1 and/or T2 utilizing the above Items as much as necessary in order to get your 'target" Pokemon benched (utilizing MHBT) on T1 or T2 consistently (i.e., 90%+ of the time, IMO). As you can see from the above list, it's not difficult to get 1 target Garchomp benched, but 3-4? That would be quite difficult, IMO.

I choose the "old fashion" route of evolving my Garchomp lines; I used the following engine core to setup my 4-2-4 Garchomp lines:

1 Giovanni's Scheme
1 Judge
2 Korrina - specifically for Fighting Pokemon
3 Level Ball
3 Professor Birch
3 Professor Sycamore
2 Rare Candy
3 Ultra Ball

Just started testing my deck this week; and so far, this engine has worked quite well for me. Also, I chose not to use Shaymin EX nor Octillery for supplemental card-draw support. Instead, I wanted to have ample room for Hawlucha and Lucario EX.

I do not run any Bats in my current Garchomp deck. If I did, I would start with removing all non-Garchomp line Pokemon, add a 4th Level Ball, and add an initial 3-3-2 Bats line for testing.

I hope you find these comments helpful.
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