Ruling DRE vs. Exs


Michigan's Best
Hey I have a question that involves DRE and a Stage 2 ex

My friend and I were playing and he had a kirlia in play with a DRE attached to it and the evolved into Gardevoir ex d. I thought that the card says that DRE cannot be attached to an ex however, he evolved to an ex so does gardevoir keeps the DRE or it must be discarded?

Please help me out here
It gets discarded. It's in the Compendium, but I'm too lazy to link the quote.
Q. If I have a Double Rainbow Energy attached to my Kirlia and then I evolve it into Gardevoir-EX, do I have to discard the DRE or does it get to stay?
A. If the Double Rainbow Energy was already attached to a non-EX-Pokémon, then you have to remove it when the Pokémon evolves into an EX-Pokémon. (Mar 25, 2004 PUI Rules Team)