BW/BW2 Dream Smoke

Do you think you'll like "Dream Smoke"?

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Hitmontop is the best XD
If I understood this correctly, when you capture Musharna, you get Dream Smoke. This allows you to send one of your Pokemon to the internet. You can also catch Pokemon on the internet.

So can you catch just any Pokemon? Can you pick what Pokemon you get in to take back from the dream? Could the dream also act as a Day-Care Center and level the Pokemon in it up? Also, if you need to catch Musharna to get this, can it be inserted into a dream. Please post your thoughts.
i like the idea of a daycare center but it feels more like a pokewalker because the of the pokemon catching
There really isn't very much information on it so far. I bet there are certain restrictions about the dream world, like Legendaries and maybe ubers going into dreams.