Dreams you've had


Every one of you out there has had to have a decent dream. It could be a nightmare, or it could have been one where you pulled a nice baseball card.

I've had a dream where I was flying, and well it felt real. Its pretty weird though, the way I flew is in-explainable. At first I had to run, and catch speed, and then I had to doggy paddle to get up in the air and actually fly.
Oh maaaaaaaaan... those flying dreams are amazing. I had one flying dream where my old bedroom was like 3 times bigger and there was a T-Rex in there, so I had to do a triple jump like in the mario series to start flying and then I had to fly onto a ledge to be safe. I also had another dream where I had every super-power I wanted to have. It was pretty epic if I do say so myself. ;D
Most of my dreams are so ridiculously bizarre that they disturb even me and I am uncomfortable with even posting about them.

I also do a lot of lucid dreaming in my not-so-bizarre dreams, which are typically just me going through a normal day with something different. And then I lucid dream and give myself superpowers, because why not.
The strange part about my dreams is that they have no sense in them; they relate with similar people I see in my life, but that's where the similarities end. Besides, I no longer can remember them anymore.
I have a dream...
I was in an all nude cast of "Death of a salesman" and it started raining choclate, but that was ok, because trees were made of marshmellows, and gram crackers were the national curency.
i've had multiple dreams where i saw the future and it came true.

and getting eaten by zombies/dinosaurs. that happens a lot as well =D
Loads of my dreams are really vivid and weird. I guess one of the strangest dreams I have had recently involved me secretly trying to hide a minature cooked turkey in a tennis shoe. Whenever somebody walked past, I needed to take the turkey back out and put it in my pocket.
most of my dreams involve bright swirly colors, people i know and really random objects. My dreams are pretty weird although i know what there going to be about dispite them being so random.
Zyflair said:
The strange part about my dreams is that they have no sense in them; they relate with similar people I see in my life, but that's where the similarities end. Besides, I no longer can remember them anymore.

My dreams are a bit like yours. Usually, they involve people or places that exist in real life. However, they do things they would NEVER do in real life. For instance, in one dream, my younger brother ate carrot and broccoli cereal at a movie theater. (First off, my brother hates vegetables. Second, since when is cereal at the movie theater?) In another dream, we all swimming in my pool (exists in real life) in the middle of January. This might be a realistic idea in warmer places, but I live in Kansas.

But yeah, I don't remember 95% of my dreams lol. They just fade away the moment I wake up, or it seems like I never even had one. The ones I do remember, however, can seem so real at times that I think they happened in real life.
I once had a dream that I was a fox that was eventually shot by my real life friend, Cameron. Getting shot was the equivalent of waking up.
In first grade, I had a dream where Thomas the Train got arrested and the jail doubled as a preschool. How I still rememeber it, I don't know.

In another dream, my friends were evil, I was locked out of the house after coming home from Walmart in a swimsuit, and everything was bendable.

In a more recent one, I got shot in the head by a guy who can walk through walls.

A habit of mine is having a dream where I'm franticly searching for the nearest restroom, then I wake up really having to, you know.

Also, I had this one dream where I woke up in the middle of it, went back to sleep, and it continued right where it left off.

Ya, I have wierd dreams.
I once had a dream I was flying on a broomstick like in Harry Potter, and it felt so realistic and wonderful I wished it was real. I also found that I was kind of psychic in a dream once, but in an indirect way. We have a bird feeder in our backyard, and some bird seed falls to the floor. I had a dream there was bird seed all over my porch and there was a chicken eating it off the floor. Then the next day I saw our usual bird visitors eating bird seed off the ground rather than from the feeder....

We actually have millions of dreams lasting only seconds every night, but we only remember a few that feel like hours long usually.
I think that we are actually psychic in our dreams and the phenomenon deja vu is caused by us not remembering one of our recent dreams that might have been a vision of the familiar moment.
I had the coolest dream where I died and got to see hell.

Apart from that I dreamt I was an elephant and I raided a sweet shop and then my sister cried cause she wanted a lollipop but the elephants had eaten them all.

I was a weird child.
My dreams are really weird lol. After X factor last night I had a dream that cheryl cole had a beard. That still does not distract me from her beauty :D
I can only remember a few, but they are CRAZY. (Yay CAPS!) One time, during 5th grade- 1st year at the school by the way- I kept having deja vu for an entire week! For example, I would fall asleep on Sunday and dream about school the next day. I wake up and go through the day and it's the exact same thing from start to finish! This happened for the entire week, and I about ready to punch myself in the face! Also, for some reason, I had this dream that something took over the Earth and turned it into a death chamber where there's spikes on all of the wall and somehow everyone in the world was in there, me standing by my first crush. This happened the week after, kind of like a sitcom. Eventually,I somehow dig a hole with her and leave almost everyone else to die except for a few other crushes and my family with my friends. Eventually we figure out that it's just a computer and we hack into it to stop that walls. If you have any questions, don't hestitate to PM me or ask!
Meaty said:
I once had a dream I was flying on a broomstick like in Harry Potter, and it felt so realistic and wonderful I wished it was real. I also found that I was kind of psychic in a dream once, but in an indirect way. We have a bird feeder in our backyard, and some bird seed falls to the floor. I had a dream there was bird seed all over my porch and there was a chicken eating it off the floor. Then the next day I saw our usual bird visitors eating bird seed off the ground rather than from the feeder....

We actually have millions of dreams lasting only seconds every night, but we only remember a few that feel like hours long usually.
I think that we are actually psychic in our dreams and the phenomenon deja vu is caused by us not remembering one of our recent dreams that might have been a vision of the familiar moment.

Deja vu is caused by your brain subconsciously picking up your surroundings before your conscious becomes aware of them in the short term memory, and you have the feeling that you have experienced the same thing before, when in reality it was actually moments before.

I sadly can remember very few of my dreams, and all the ones I can remember, despite being very cool, are often extremely undetailed... which sort of bothers me.
My dreams all take place at school. The weird part is, when I wake up I learn stuff. Don't know how the heck that happens. I think that it's my body trying to tell me all the things I missed when I wasn't paying attention.
Ive had many dreams of the end of the world in the past. This one shook me a bit though.

I was in my house with my dad and my boyfreind and I was on the computer.
I kept seeing my dad go in and out of the house and flipping through all the channels on the tv like he was searching for something. It was also a bit warm in the house.

I finally asked, "what are you doing?" and he replied "I think something is happening." I followed him outside and looked up into the sky. The sky had turned a bit red and I can feel it was a bit hotter outside.

I could see everything in the sky (constalations, the moon, other galaxies? I think) so clearly and so close up.

We all went back into the house and my dad started flipping through the channels again, he said he was looking for some kind of headline about whats going on right now and he thinks it might be some kinda solar flare.

At this point I can really feel the heat, almost burning. We still didn't find anything on the tv.

My dad explained that the reason they're most likely not telling us whats going on is because they dont want there to be a panic because this may just be the end.

I was so scared and I didn't know what to do, my skin was burning from the heat, I ran to the computer and went to google and typed in "News happening now"

when the results came in the first link said "IM ON FIRE" the second said some sentence that sounded strange like "I IS IN FIRE NOW", the third link said WE'RE ALL IN THE FIRE".

I couldn't finish reading the last links because at this point my skin was Burning so bad and all I could think about is a way to live or end my life quickly before I perish slowly in the heat.

I awoke really fast to my dream and I could almost still feel the heat on my skin.

and my boyfreind was kinda just there in my dream, going where me and my dad
were going.

thats about it, I know its pretty long and possibly boring to others but I thought id just share in detail cuz this one freaked me out because it felt so real.

This isnt the first dream I had where the world ended in fire.
but I also never really thought that solar flares would end the world or anything like that either, so I dont know why I would have dreams about solar flares.
Yeah, the part I love about dreams is that ANYTHING can happen. However, that can be a double edged sword too.

Meaning bad dreams are very possible. (insert random scream) lol
Personally I hate dreams where I obtain somthing I've been wanting. Cause when I wake up, I dont have it anymore.... :(

A crazy bad dream I had:
My parents were trying to kill me. Scary, nuf said.

A really cool dream;

It was taking place in my neighborhood, just like any other day. Then out of no where so Phantoms from Halo show up and start dropping Grunts all over town. I was with my friends and we found weapons in my closet. Needless to say we scored some headshots. lol

Another cool dream;

I was out somewhere in a big city and all of a sudden a building collapses. And standing where the building was, is a GIANT Regigigas. (wow, I know) Then more of them showed up, wrecking buildings like crazy. All I remember was jumping in my car (yes I can drive for real) and racing around town to avoid it all.
Hmm... all those dreams sound interesting. I dream mostly (the dream(s) I remember) about the day itself. What happened etc. mostly I have a better view of it the next day. Also dreams about what's coming, kinda predictions, although the 99% never will happen, since they're always positive and it's all about me (my egoism ^^).

I never dream about weird patterns, neither my dreams are undetailed, or nightmares. I have those moments it turns into a nightmare but most of the time I'm able to fix it up, again it's all my memory, I can do what I want.

But yeah then it suprises me I'm that aware in my dreams. I can remember most of the time (almost) anything the next day. Also the ability to ''control'' (most of) my dreams, lucid dreaming it is called. Anyway I know there are more people here in PBeach, so I'm not the only one ^^.

Oh, also when I'm asleep, I'm never in a very deep sleep. I wake up by even the softest sound, well that makes me wake up a few times a night sometimes, very annoying :/ But that could have to do with it too. I'm not sure.