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Standard Dredge Storm (Huntail / Excadrill)

Duane Fouche

Aspiring Trainer
I've been looking for a deck that's fairly fast and can sweep well, but isn't Vespiqueen (It's too "Mainstream"... also I got bored of it). This is what I came up with:

Feel free to leave comments, suggestions, criticism etc.

  • 4 Drilbur (Primal Clash 89)
  • 4 Excadrill (AT) (Primal Clash 97)
  • 3 Clamperl (Primal Clash 49)
  • 3 Huntail (Primal Clash 50)
  • 2 Shaymin-EX (Roaring Skies)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 30
  • 4 Professor Sycamore
  • 2 Professor Birch's Observations
  • 2 Pokemon Fan Club
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 2 Wally
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 2 Trainer's Mail
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Escape Rope
  • 2 Energy Recycler
  • 4 Muscle Band
Energy: 14
  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
  • 5 Steel Energy
  • 5 Water Energy

This deck uses both Excadrill and Huntail as main attackers, with Shaymin-EX for draw support and consistency. Excadrill dredges for energies and Huntail sweeps. Excadrill also makes a good attacker when needed.

To my knowledge there is not a single energy acceleration method that can get this many energies out in a single turn.

Huntail's "Poweful storm" attack does 20 damage times the number of energies on your side of the field, this can be any energy type - not just water energies. This is what we capitalize on.
The trick is to get as many energies as possible on the field as quickly as possible, previously this was done by using pokemon with the 'Growth' trait - but this is limited to 2 energies per turn and I wanted to do something different, hence we get to Excadrill and his "Dredge" attack.

Excadrill: Can attack twice per turn
Dredge - search your deck for 2 energy cards and attach them to excadrill (can be any energy card).

The ability to attack twice each turn combined with being able to search out any energy with Excadrill means he can effectively search out 4x Double colorless energies in a single attack.
That's 9 energies... in 1 Turn.

Once he's done his job swap into the Huntail and start sweeping with the 200 base damage single energy Powerful storm attack.

Obviously this is risky, so don't just load every energy at once if you aren't certain your Excadrill will be safe - often times it's better to dredge once, then attack with Mach claw so you put some pressure on your opponent.

Card Choice breakdown:
Wally / Trainer's Mail - Ideally we'd like to attack with Excadrill the very first chance we get. Wally lets us get an attack off a turn earlier than we usually can. This momentum can often be too much for many decks to handle, aside from the fastest ones of course.

Energy Recycler - Excadrill can drain your deck of energies ridiculously fast, and if he gets KO'd we need a way to get some energies back. Due to his dredge attack they are more useful back in the deck than in the hand. I've started to consider this an essential in any deck running this Excadrill, far too many times I have simply run out of energies.

Switch / Escape Rope - we run a high number of these due to the high retreat cost of our Excadrills, we need a way to ensure we can swap from Excadrill to Huntail and Vice-Versa easily. When XY8 gets released and we have access to Float stone again that may be the better option. Alternatively using Rainbow energy and Fairy garden could work (I have not tested as I don't have access to rainbow energy).

Muscle Band - It allows Excadrill to hit for 70 damage each hit, total of 140 damage. This makes beating low-hp decks easier and can provide a knockout that otherwise would be impossible.

Lysandre - He wins games.

Excadrill - Fast energy acceleration and a good attack. Powers up Huntail very quickly.

Huntail - powerful attacker, can get above the 140 damage cap that Excadrill has and allows us to 1-shot EX's where Excadrill cannot. Covers Excadrill's fire weakness nicely.

Pokemon fan club - helps a lot with evolution lines and can fetch Shaymin-ex for draw support.
There are actually a few options you have when it comes to energy acceleration.

1. Milotic- while I dislike this card it could help out actually. Since you require energy on your side of the field to attack, Milotic will bring out three basic energy from the discard which can be actually rather nice for a prize trade. Since it's a non-EX Pokémon, you can dispose of one or two to get six energy easily. The downfall is of course prizes and a stage one.

2. - Flareon x Blacksmith is another viable option. You not only gain the ability to hit fire weak Pokémon, but you can abuse Blacksmith as well, meaning more energy acceleration options.

3. Bonzong is another option of course you said something about. While one isn't a big deal, two to three is.

4. M.Manectric EX is also another idea you can use, it's not only dealing damage, but placing energy on the field like Excadrill with more HP.

5. Reshiram x Dragonite EX. While this may silly, with Float Stone coming back around now, Dragonite may see more play than before because of it's ability to basically rush in and attack. With this, you can add even more energy acceleration since Reshiram is a basic Pokémon.

6. Ampharos EX. While I don't really suggest this one as much, it still could be used as it could be mixed in turn with other cards to set up a multi energy attachment.

These are just a few ideas I came up with and may or may not work for you as some may safely put energy on a bit slower, but keep you from being OHKO'd possibly as much.

You may only need one Fan Club as well since you're running 4 Ultra Ball already and could be put in to place for another VS Seeker or Trainer's Mail possibly. Energy Recycler also seems a bit high as it returns energy back to the deck instead of the hand and could be possibly ran with 1 Sacred Ash as well.

I really like the deck and it's always been neat to see cards that deal damage based off energy. Good luck and I hope this helps!