Dual Ball or Collector in Eels?


Aspiring Trainer
What do you guys think suits best in the deck? Getting basics and the use draw supporter is neat, but it's pretty gimmick, while collector is kinda safer for getting basics. What would you sugest to play, Dual Ball, Collector or both?
I play Collector because you don't always need to use a draw supporter turn 1. I've seen varients with Dual Ball over Collector and it didn't play out to well for them.
When you say eels, do you mean ZekEel, Fruity Stripes (zebrika/eels) or MagEels.

you definitely need at least one collector, just for consistency.

If you feel you have the luck to support them, play dual balls.

It really depends on how you feel your deck is balanced and how often the 3+ cards from N or the discard from Sage would be more useful than the 3 pokemon.

Personally, I would play the dual balls, but it really depends on what else in your deck and what other supporters you are using
ZekEels. I wouldn't play Dual Ball in any other of those eel decks really xP, since ZekEels is just basics power.
I would only play collector because you need the 2-3 Tynamos (depending on the matchup) turn one. It is also a guarantee and you can just play the draw card next turn.
Dual Ball. Sooooooo much better than Collector. It has so much over it that I might as well just list them.

1. You end up getting the same amount of Pokemon, maybe even more.
Say you start PONT, Dual Ball, Junk Arm, and a bunch of other stuff. You can Dual Ball twice thanks to Junk Arm, most likely getting 2 just from your opening hand. Then you PONT. Now you should get 1 basic from your fresh hand, and also most likely a Level Ball or a Junk Arm or another Dual Ball. And now you have 4 benched pokemon. And a fresh new hand.

2. Junk Armable
Yay, you can now get basics whenever you want.

3. Not a Supporter
Stuck with no energy in your opening hand? If you play Collector, your kinda screwed. But if you play Dual Ball, you can lay down that crucial energy and get a fresh hand at the same time.

4. More helpful late game
This is mostly due to the fact that is both a Trainer and Junk Armable.
alexmf2 said:
Dual Ball. Sooooooo much better than Collector. It has so much over it that I might as well just list them.

1. You end up getting the same amount of Pokemon, maybe even more.
Say you start PONT, Dual Ball, Junk Arm, and a bunch of other stuff. You can Dual Ball twice thanks to Junk Arm, most likely getting 2 just from your opening hand. Then you PONT. Now you should get 1 basic from your fresh hand, and also most likely a Level Ball or a Junk Arm or another Dual Ball. And now you have 4 benched pokemon. And a fresh new hand.

2. Junk Armable
Yay, you can now get basics whenever you want.

3. Not a Supporter
Stuck with no energy in your opening hand? If you play Collector, your kinda screwed. But if you play Dual Ball, you can lay down that crucial energy and get a fresh hand at the same time.

4. More helpful late game
This is mostly due to the fact that is both a Trainer and Junk Armable.

How many times do you really open with that? Dual Ball can also fail and cannot be geared for. All your reasons are situational, but collector is always good.
iisnumber12 said:
How many times do you really open with that? Dual Ball can also fail and cannot be geared for. All your reasons are situational, but collector is always good.

The reason Dual Ball is so much better is because it is so much LESS situational than Collector. The only single time Collector is actually useful is if you get it in your opening hand. And even then I would still swap it for a Dual Ball any day.
alexmf2 said:
The reason Dual Ball is so much better is because it is so much LESS situational than Collector. The only single time Collector is actually useful is if you get it in your opening hand. And even then I would still swap it for a Dual Ball any day.

Why would you rather flip for a chance to get 1-2 basics when you can get 3 no questions asked. It is also more likely you can get a collector turn 1 because of pokegear 3.0.
iisnumber12 said:
Why would you rather flip for a chance to get 1-2 basics when you can get 3 no questions asked. It is also more likely you can get a collector turn 1 because of pokegear 3.0.

Because with Dual Ball, like I said before, you get 1-2 Pokemon with your opening hand. Then you can use a Supporter, which is the best part. And then, with that Supporter, you should end up getting another 1-2 Pokemon, with the bonus of a fresh hand. No matter how you look at it, Dual Ball is almost always the better choice.
alexmf2 said:
Because with Dual Ball, like I said before, you get 1-2 Pokemon with your opening hand. Then you can use a Supporter, which is the best part. And then, with that Supporter, you should end up getting another 1-2 Pokemon, with the bonus of a fresh hand. No matter how you look at it, Dual Ball is almost always the better choice.

Why do you need to use a supporter turn 1? What if you have 2-3 cards that are or can get Eelektrik. You'd get rid of that to attempt to get basics?
The 25% of the time that Dual Ball fails and gives you absolutely nothing, it is far the inferior choice. Collector also has a greater chance of you drawing into it if you run Pokegear 3.0. You pretty much always need to get 3+ basics on your first turn or a godly hand to get a good bench t1. 1 Collector does that, or drawing into 2 Dual Balls and having a 12.5% chance. Unless your luck is amazing to the point of cheating, Dual Ball is far too flippy to be reliable.
Pokemon Collector is best. You can get guaranteed basics out without a flip (and more than Dual Ball). Personally, I play a little bit of both just in case I want to play Dual Ball + another supporter later in my turn. It actually works great, though I am probably going to take it out because I usually only get one heads on the flip.
alexmf2 said:
Dual Ball. Sooooooo much better than Collector. It has so much over it that I might as well just list them.

1. You end up getting the same amount of Pokemon, maybe even more.
Say you start PONT, Dual Ball, Junk Arm, and a bunch of other stuff. You can Dual Ball twice thanks to Junk Arm, most likely getting 2 just from your opening hand. Then you PONT. Now you should get 1 basic from your fresh hand, and also most likely a Level Ball or a Junk Arm or another Dual Ball. And now you have 4 benched pokemon. And a fresh new hand.

2. Junk Armable
Yay, you can now get basics whenever you want.

3. Not a Supporter
Stuck with no energy in your opening hand? If you play Collector, your kinda screwed. But if you play Dual Ball, you can lay down that crucial energy and get a fresh hand at the same time.

4. More helpful late game
This is mostly due to the fact that is both a Trainer and Junk Armable.

I read this as Dual Ball needing to use 2-3 Junk Arms to get out every Pokémon...

I would rather have my Junk Arms late game for Catcher, Switchs, or PlusPowers, not to set up.
But the other 25% of the chance, Dual Ball is almost as good as Collector. For the sake of discussion, we might as well talk as though we get 1 heads every time with Dual Ball, as that has the highest chance.

And you should have 10-11 cards that can get basics (not including the basics themselves, which puts it all the ways up to about 20-24). So about half your deck is basics or cards that can get basics. Now, you will most likely get at the very least 1-2 of these cards. Then you can use a Supporter, which should net you at least another 1-2. And you guys are completely disregarding the best part of Dual Ball/being able to use a Supporter. You get a brand new hand! This is amazing, especially when you need to keep up with decks like MTC which are attacking on the first turn.

Glaceon, I never said that. You should at max need to use 1 Junk Arm for basics, and I do even that not too often.
alexmf2 said:
But the other 25% of the chance, Dual Ball is almost as good as Collector. For the sake of discussion, we might as well talk as though we get 1 heads every time with Dual Ball, as that has the highest chance.

And you should have 10-11 cards that can get basics (not including the basics themselves, which puts it all the ways up to about 20-24). So about half your deck is basics or cards that can get basics. Now, you will most likely get at the very least 1-2 of these cards. Then you can use a Supporter, which should net you at least another 1-2. And you guys are completely disregarding the best part of Dual Ball/being able to use a Supporter. You get a brand new hand! This is amazing, especially when you need to keep up with decks like MTC which are attacking on the first turn.

Why do you need a brand new hand? You can just get a new one next turn.
iisnumber12 said:
Why do you need a brand new hand? You can just get a new one next turn.

Because what if you don't get T1 Collector? Or what if you don't have an Energy in your opening hand?

Another huge thing that Dual Ball has over Collector is that it is a ton better late game.
"Say you start PONT, Dual Ball, Junk Arm, and a bunch of other stuff. You can Dual Ball twice thanks to Junk Arm, most likely getting 2 just from your opening hand. Then you PONT. Now you should get 1 basic from your fresh hand, and also most likely a Level Ball or a Junk Arm or another Dual Ball."

Sounds like two Junk Arm to me. If not two, you will probably get 2 basics...

I would rather use Collector, get everything I need guaranteed, and then Juniper or something next turn.
alexmf2 said:
Because what if you don't get T1 Collector? Or what if you don't have an Energy in your opening hand?

Another huge thing that Dual Ball has over Collector is that it is a ton better late game.

You don't need to get basics late game. Also, I don't always need to attach first turn.
Glaceon said:
Sounds like two Junk Arm to me. If not two, you will probably get 2 basics...

Well, if you don't, you don't. I won quite a few games only getting 2 basics on my first turn.

What you guys are missing is the pretty big chance that you miss the turn 1 Collector, and end up getting 0 basics turn 1. Then your in a tough position.

Iisnumber12, You definitely need Mewtwos, do you not? And it's very helpful to get Tynamo's that you have gotten back with Super Rod, or if your opponent KO'd the ones on your bench and you need more. And an Energy is very helpful turn 1, but I agree it isn't completely necessary. My build is more focused around Zekrom EX though, so it's quite important for me to get it.