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Expanded Dugtrio / Eeveelutions

Javi Blizz

Spanish TCG Player
Hey guys, this is my first decklist here and it's for the expanded format, which is the one we are playing now in my city. I hope you could help me to make it better! :)

Pokemon: 18
  • 4 Diglett XY
  • 4 Dugtrio XY
  • 4 Eevee FuF
  • 1 Jolteon AO
  • 1 Vaporeon AO
  • 2 Flareon AO
  • 2 Leafeon PF
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 3 Colress
  • 3 N
  • 1 Cheren
  • 1 Lysson
  • 1 Skyla
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 3 Vs Seeker
  • 3 Evosoda
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 2 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Trainer's Mail
  • 2 Battle Compressor
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 2 Fighting Stadium
  • 1 Mountain Ring
Energy: 8
  • 4 Strong Energy
  • 4 Fighting Energy

Well, the main goal of this deck is hitting hard (due to weakness) for a single energy, as almost every eeveelution deck. I´ve chosen Dugtrio due to the high amount of Dark-type decks people play in my city. With a single [F] energy, Dugtrio hits 60 damage (without strong energy/muscle band/whatever) and with the correct things it can OHKO almost everything [60+30 (silver bangle)+20(Strong Energy/Stadium) x2 (weakness) = 220 (I think only primals and Wailord have more HP than 220)]. And that's why I decided to include Leafeon PF, since those 3 Pokémon are weak to Grass (and it also attacks for a single energy). Vaporeon is optional and I'm trying to get a second Jolteon.

The inclusion of Cheren in the supporter list is for some personal reasons, I've been playing 1 copy in almost every deck and it is more helpfull than it could seem. Also, I decided to include Skyla instead of Korrina, since maybe I'll need to look for an Stadium or Professor Juniper and I can search Diglett and Dugtrio with other resources.

I decided to include 2 Battle Compressor for discarding the useless eeveelutions of the deck in each play before I draw them.

One thing I'm not sure about is the energy line. Maybe 4 basic energy is not enough, since Leafeon and Strong Energy are not compatible. What do you think?

Other pokemons I was thinking to use (but finally decided to use Dugtrio) were Donphan PS and Cinccino BW (do the wave, changing the stadium list for 3 Skyfield). Do you think I've chosen right?

Edit: Shaymin EX isn't an option. I've not enough bench site to include it, and it's too expensive for me.