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Dugtrio / Outragers / Reuniclus


Frontier Brain

  • 3x Diglett XY
    3x Dugtrio XY
    2x Reshiram LGT
    2x Zekrom LGT
    2x Kyurem LGT
    3x Solosis LGT
    2x Duosion LGT
    3x Reuniclus BW

  • 3x Korrina
    4x N
    4x Professor Juniper
    2x Colress
    2x Lysandre

    2x Rare Candy
    3x VS Seeker
    3x Muscle Band
    1x Computer Search
    1x Professor's Letter
    2x Champion's Festival

  • 4x Double Colorless
    3x Strong Energy
    6x Fighting

So, I was going to run this deck in Expanded at regionals, but I didn't make cut. But the strategy is to set up with Dugtrio and to damage to the bench, then use Reuniclus and the Outragers to do exactly the amount of damage you want to do.
RE: Dugtrio/Outragers/Reuniclus

I don't know how I feel about 4 Korrina. 1 is defenitely good, 2 is okay, but 3-4 is a bit excessive for a deck that only uses 2 different Fighting Types. I don't think that Reuniclus is the perfect idea for this deck. If you still plan on using it, maybe reduce it to a 2-1-2 line.
RE: Dugtrio/Outragers/Reuniclus

GadgetJax said:
I don't know how I feel about 4 Korrina. 1 is defenitely good, 2 is okay, but 3-4 is a bit excessive for a deck that only uses 2 different Fighting Types. I don't think that Reuniclus is the perfect idea for this deck. If you still plan on using it, maybe reduce it to a 2-1-2 line.
Well, I run a 3-2-3 line because you only need one Reuniclus, but Solosis can be snipped by Landorus so I need the Reuniclus ASAP.