Dumb Laws in your State/Country

Grass Pokemon Master

Do you have any Dumb Laws in your state? If so, tell us. We sure want to know, I might even laugh.

Dumb Laws for Oklahoma(I live there)

Females are forbidden from doing their own hair without being licensed by the state.

Oklahoma will not tolerate anyone taking a bite out of another’s hamburger.

People who make “ugly faces” at dogs may be fined and/or jailed

tell us your dumb laws in your state! :D
RE: Dum Laws in your State

From what I've experienced, you cannot run off with other peoples corn dogs.
RE: Dumb Laws in your State

I live in Oklahoma, too! Another law is that we cannot go whaling. We are landlocked, and I have never observed a whale in a lake.
RE: Dumb Laws in your State

I'm not sure what state, but there is a law that states you cannot tie your giraffe to any street lamp. I'm dead serious.

It's like the law makers shuffle a bunch of laws in a hat, and draw one every month... :/
RE: Dumb Laws in your State

I live in Broken Arrow, in Tulsa. I'm trying to find more laws now...

EDIT: Lol at Porygon-X
RE: Dumb Laws in your State

Wow, you like four hours away from me. :( Do you go to tournaments in Oklahoma City? That's halfway between our locations.
RE: Dumb Laws in your State

^^ Yes, Sometimes I do with my brother Electric Pokemon Master, you might know him I bet.

More dumb Laws in Oklahoma-

Residents are taxed for the furniture in their homes, and any other personal belongings.

Cars must be tethered outside of public buildings.

No one may spit on a sidewalk.

It is illegal to wear your boots to bed.
RE: Dumb Laws in your State

I'm not wasting my alcohol on a fish. Wait, does that mean you can beer-batter your fish or not? Lol.
RE: Dumb Laws in your State

I think in arizona you can't carry a chicken across the border into arizona. Im not sure but also i think you cant carry anything more than your weight over the border into Indiana.
RE: Dumb Laws in your State

It's illegal to wear a hat while dancing in Fargo North Dakota.

I live in Minnesota though, soooooo:

All bathtubs must have feet.

[lolwut? My bathtub doesn't have feet and I haven't been arrested yet. :p)

It is illegal to stand around any building without a good reason to be there.
[that would be loitering]

hibbing mn:

It shall be the duty of any policeman or any other officer to enforce the provisions of this Section, and if any cat is found running at large, or which is found in any street, alley or public place, it shall be the duty of any policeman or other officer of the city to kill such cat.

Driving a truck with dirty tires is considered a public nuisance.
Placing tacks on a sidewalk is considered a public nuisance.
[this one makes a little sense. >_>]

Saint Cloud:
Hamburgers may not be eaten on Sundays.
[uh, WHAT?! A lot of people I know go up to saint cloud to do their shopping, and like, okay that's just a weird law!]