Dumb Luck


Who's ready for Pokemon Worlds 2011!
Have a game/tourney/trade that shouldn't of happened, or lost, but in some kind of magical luck, you won it? Post it here.
Some Examples:
2005 Worlds: Qulaifiers, I'm like 9, so don't make fun of me. So, I had like, the most fail noob deck in the world(to be exact, the Team Aqua starter deck with Deoxys EX defense form) and didn't win a single round of it, yet I made it through qualifiers to the next day. True story.

I got second place in a BR, but the first place kid was found to have an illegal card in his deck, so I won instead. Not true sadly :(

So, how lucky are you?
Eh. I don't really get many strings of luck tbh.

The most recent was top-decking the only DCE left in my deck to win the game. I had about 25 cards left and no draw power whatsoever, and if I win I make top cut if I lose I don't, heh. That was pretty awesome.
Triple Cosmic Power in one turn to pull out a Belted Jumpluff to donk the lone Garchomp C. :)
Needed a heads on Poke Blower+ for the donk in my last league final, after failing THREE SSU filps and another blower.

Got the heads :D
I played a Darkrai deck at states and I flipped 2 heads for sleep the first time. All 3 times.

I still lost because my deck was an epic fail though XD
In states, me (as Charizard AR) faced a Magnezone deck. I was way ahead in prizes (I had one left) though I was still probably going to lose since I was in a dangerous situation --I couldn't get a Charizard (0 heads on TSD). I warp pointed, he brought up his fire weak Magnemite (not willing to bring up Claydol), and I brought up my (Shiny) Vulpix. I fortunately had 2 PlusPower and an Expert Belt in my hand, so I attatched an energy, PlusPowers, and Expert Belt and KOed Magnemite for the win (Probably the craziest moment, aside from things like a T2 Prinplup donk, fainting spell ties, and 3 level max tails in a row in one turn).
One time in Regionals getting 4/0 heads with legit dice.
Winning States with Gyarados because of an SSU flip.
Topdecking the card I need a lot.

-Having to face Luxchomp/Cursegar like all the time in States/Regionals (I was playing Gyarados, so imagine my pain xD)
-Getting 1/10 Tails in BR's while playing Gigas
I've used Absol G Donk, and almost every single time I use Darkness Send, I roll three tails.
Gliscor said:
Topdecking the card I need a lot.
That's not luck. It's what you call the Heart of the Cards.

Aside from sometimes topdecking, I get lucky with coin flips quite often. Other than that, I can't really remember anything to contribute here. ;_;
This wasnt in a tournament, but at league I get a terrrible starting hand, but I topdeck Rosy to get a T1 kingdra out. unfortunately I couldnt get a warp point for my baltoy! so it died. but I still won.
2009 grinders, started with Unown G, so did my opponent, I went first, we both couldn't do anything, I KO'd and won with Unown G
At regionals, facing Jumpluff, he goes first and bounces with Hoppip, I trapinch start, set up with uxie, get Vibrava (had DCE and Rare Candy in hand), evolve, Quick attack +heads= donk.

In league, I score three heads on SSU's to cosmic power FIVE times in one turn. It was awesome :D
Playtesting my own deck (Not revealing, sorry):

3 Reversals in one turn

I would've made a KO if one of those was heads. I thought that was pretty unlucky. And with the same deck:

Went first when I would've donked and won if I got second.
Would win if I flipped a heads on an attack (I had a bad start, don't think my deck that I'm not revealing is based on a coin flip :p)
I was playing my Glaceon deck (Fun deck) at the BR's the other day and throughout the whole day i probably hit 20-25 tails and 10-15 heads. (Or somewhere around that.)