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Durant Durant


Unown Q Master
Pokemon (6):
4 Durant Durant NV
1 Rotom UD
1 Cobalion NV

Trainer (42):
4 Pokemon Collector
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
4 Junk Arm
4 Revive
3 Defender
3 Level Ball
3 Twins
3 Eviolite
3 Lost Remover
3 Crushing Hammer
3 N
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Super Rod
1 Alph Litograph TM

Energy (12):
4 Special Metal Energy
2 Prism Energy
6 Metal Energy

Quite the usual Durant deck. Explanations for some of the card choices:
-Cobalion to deal with anything that may not give me enough time to mill; stalling if necessary. Works wonders.
-Level Ball replaced Dual Ball, works much better.
-Prism Energy for the option of using Plasma Arrow.

Overall, this list is working quite well with about 80% winrate. I'm thinking about dropping Super Rod for FSL, since I rarely (if ever) use Super Rod and FSL is helpful against Trainer Locks. Other than that I considered Pokegear 3.0 at some point, but I'm not sure if it's necessary. All suggestions are welcome.
I would drop 2 revive in favor of rescue energy, as a counter to trainer-lock decks

FSL would also be better than super rod. You should also find room for black belt, as those extra 40 points mean you can KO things with vice grip and energy press.
I'd add some poke gear to help get some needed supporters out like alph lithograph. I'd take out some energy for about 2. energy is usually not that difficult to get out with N and PONT.
@27th wonder: You don't ever remove revives. That's like removing pachi and shaymin in a ZPST build.

-1 alph4 (seriously?)
-1 defender
-1 N

+2 pokegear
+1 hammer

Pokegear is absolutely needed for consistency, and durant is all about consistency. Alph4 is only used to get a prized durant early game, and you're not going to be able to use twins early game, hence no way of accessing it besides a lucky topdeck.

You can keep the N instead of the crushing hammer though, that's totally optional. I just believe that if you're gonna run hammer at all, make it 4 or nothing.
^ Alph lithograph is for in case one of your durants is prized. Alph lithograph lets you use rotom to get the durant that is prized.