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Durant Mill


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 8
4x Durant NV
2x Emolga DE
2x Mew EX

Trainers: 38
4x Crushing Hammer
4x Enhanced Hammer
3x Level Ball
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Random Reciever
4x Rescue Scarf
3x Revive
4x Switch
2x Tool Scrapper
2x Cheren
4x Professor Juniper
3x N

Energy: 14
4x Prism Energy
2x Blend http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/s.../grass.png http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/s...sychic.png http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/s...y/fire.png http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/s...rkness.png
2x Blend http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/s...htning.png http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/s.../water.png http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/s...ghting.png http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/s.../metal.png
6x http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/images/s.../metal.png

1. Mew EX as active pokemon
2. Use Emolga/Level ball to bring out durants quickly
3. Mill with Devour
4. Use Hammers/Crapper/Catcher/Eviolite (The Tool Box) to stall opponent
5. Mew ability as second win condition (or surrender)

P.S. - I know this is 59 cards I am not sure of the 60Th card or if i should keep the numbers of other cards as they are.
A NEW Durant Mill deck without Aggron? I personally would HIGHLY recommend running this with the Aron family, but if you're quite resolved about sticking with Mew EX, I'll review it as is...

You're a little thin on the Supporter line, so I'd recommend that 60th slot go to an extra Juniper, N, or Random Receiver, more likely Juniper or Random Receiver, since N would put cards back into their deck late game.

Have you considered using Recycle? Its probably the closest replacement to Junk Arm in BW-On, and of course an important argument against it is that its flippy but hey! so is Crushing Hammer. I think its worth trying out. Now if you DO decide to use Recycle, than you should probably replace a few Junipers or Random Receivers with Cheren or Bianca so you can get that straight drawn into your Recycled item card!

By the way, when you say you'd use Mew EX as the second win condition, are you talking about collecting all your prizes? You probably are, huh?

Again, I'd really recommend the Aron family, because it speeds up the milling, and its a great fail-safe if one of your Durants are prized.
The original build had Aron and it's evolutions in the make up, however I ran Lapras over Emolga. Still i run into the same problem if i have all 4 durants in my deck and none are prized i wanted to have 4 durants on my bench. if i used emolga to search for a mew and a durant then switch emolga with mew and proceed to call the family until i have my bench: Durant Durant Durant Durant Emolga. I have no room for aron and if i ran aron and its evolutions id have to run rare candy/devolution spray.

Now i have tested the Aggron build with a 3-2-2 build and it was not consistent. The basic Durant build flows for the most part, however as stated i do run low on supporters. I would most likely make the following changes:

-1 Eviolite


+1 Juniper/
+1 Receiver
+1 Receiver
+1 Bianca
I would highly recommend you replace eviolite with Rescue Scarf. Darkrai can easily KO your active every turn anyways, you may as well get it back to your hand so you can maintain 4 on the field
wOw! You weren't kidding at all when you said you were planning on Mew EX being a backup attacker! You've got many many of those "multi" Energy cards! You MIGHT be able to shave a couple Energy cards off though. After all, your MAIN strategy is Durant's Devour, which only requires a measly 1 {M} Energy. With those 2 extra slots, you could get an extra Level Ball and Draw Supporter/Random Receiver for better consistency!

I would still suggest playtesting Recycle if you've got the time to do so before
Battle Roads.
Please be sure to update the list in the main post as well. (We have edit buttons on here for a reason! Also makes it so posting a list each time changes are made completely unnecessary and needlessly confusing for anyone trying to help.)

dmaster out.