Dusknoir From Boundaries Crossed


Aspiring Trainer
I like Dusknoir from boundaries crossed but I am not sure what is the best deck to put it in, in this current format. I was thinking maybe Gengar EX/ Wobefet/ Dusknoir could be good. I also like Gourgeist from XY with dusknoir but that deck isnt that competitve. What do you guys think.
The BC Dusknoir is a great Poke; its Sinister Hand Ability is truly fantastic. Traditionally, I've teamed it up with Poke that could spread damage, e.g. Poke like XY Gourgeist (even the XY Pumpkaboo with its auto Confuse Ray is solid too) was ideal and the deck was quite competitive - did well at all of the LCs at the time. I ran the deck successfully before Yveltal became really popular. Yveltal decks were able to easily 1HKO the Pumpkins and I could not recover fast enough.

Other considerations I found through my experience in running the deck:

  • You'll need other attackers that ideally spread damage and does not have D Poke attack Weakness. Check out Landorus EX or Kyurem (PF). Both of these Poke are fantastic partners despite needing F or W energy.
  • Some opponents try to limit his/her bench in order to limit the amount of total damage counters I could put into play. So, the above secondary attackers are still a major concern with their respective second attacks.
  • You may find yourself "playing from behind" in the prize count more often than not. No worries - you can still catch up and win the game.
  • More often than not running 2 Sacred Ash was quite helpful.
  • Starting XY Pumpkaboo I found to be quite advantageous (I choose to go second if able). I could either confuse or allow that Poke to just "take 1 for the team" while I setup my bench. Landorus EX or Kyurem (PF) were also very good starters too.
  • I even play-tested Zekrom (Outrage) and Reshiram (Outrage) too. Both of these Poke provided enough time to get setup as well as inflict some potential significant damage that could be used later.
Given the release of the PhF set,

  • Gengar EX is just "ok" IMO. It is weak to D Poke attacks and it's first attack only drops 3 damage counters. Chandelure EX is a better option, IMO; both of its attacks are superior to Gengar EX's attacks. Toxicroak EX is also not a bad option either.

    Wobuffet provides a "blah" wall against non-P type Poke Abilities - as long as it is active. So, an opponent can either just KO it or Lysandre up another Poke in order to use his/her Poke Abilities. It also does not hinder Garbotoxin.
Interestingly enough, I am considering re-assembling this deck given the new PhF set. I want to play-test some new options... :D
I hope you find these comments helpful.
Dusknoir is just evil. In the past, it's been paired with Flygon (BC) and Empoleon (DE Reprint). But for those who don't want to run multiple stage 2 lines, Gorgeist XY is really good. Both attacks are very good with Dusknoir. It also gives you an excuse to play Virbank/Lasers which is also very good. From there, you could add Miltank (since you're running a stage 2 why not?) and maybe a small Dragalge line to keep something locked while you move damage around.

It's one of the best stage 2s in the game. Very good for rogue decks, but still very competitve.
I've seen Dusknoir paired with Landorus-EX recently. That's personally not my cup of tea but I can certainly see why someone would want to run it. HAmmerhead can stick damage on benched Pokemon, which you can manipulate around later. I've even seen Diusnkoir used in a few Yveltal varients, since there's often overkill damage that you can save for future KOs.

On a side note, Meowstic FLF can perform the same effect via its attack, Ear Influence. This is an intereating alternative to Dusknoir in a format where Garbodor sees a lot of play. Meowstic needs a (P) energy to do its thing, but it's a Stage 1, so less space in your deck and easier to get out. It does take up your attack for the turn, but since it's an attack rather than Ability, Garbodor doesn't stop it.
Pairing Landorus EX with Dusknoir is pretty good, especially with all of the Fighting stuff it has. Basically you have the potential to put 120 (140) on the field for just one Energy, and with Dusknoir, you have a lot more control over what you KO. Speaking of Dusknoir, I believe a random Darkrai / Dusknoir deck did really well at Worlds for some reason. I remember playing against it back when Dark Patch was available and Catcher wasn't a flip. It was very tough to play against.
Mia Violet has been running Darkrai/Dusknoir for quite a while now. She got 11th at worlds with it this past year. Im currently running landorus EX/ dusknoir and i love it. I'm gonna stick with this one for a while assuming no one in my area tries to directly counter me. Im looking at you Mora.
Hahaha, funny you mention Mora as a counter. I have to deal with Mia in all my LCs/Cities/States/Regionals. Its really fun though, she plays some of the most interesting decks.
In addition to running Landorus EX with Dusknoir (for all of the reason mentioned above), at 1 point I also ran a thin Leafeon (PF) line as a counter to those decks that would "stockpile" energy and keep their benches small.

Another starting Poké I used too was Chandelure EX; for 1 P energy you can drop 4 damage counters onto opponent's Poké, anyway you like. But again, this Poké is weak to D Poké attacks; so, Yveltal and Yveltal EX could easily wreck all of my P Poké. But now with the release of Manectric EX, it might be time to rethink this deck again...
I've been looking into a deck with dusknoir as a base with either: Gengar ex/mega, Crobat, Gourgeist, Chandelure ex , Wobbufet or Espeon.

Gengar would go well with wobbufet or Sigiliph (Like the Donphan/Sigi) but i'm not really sure if Gengar is going to be that good.

From another view playing with crobat and espeon or gourgeist can make some hilarious matches.

(I'm not so good with advanced tactics and can't pplaytest much, so i'm more a lurker than a good help? xD)
Yeah I am leting my Fiancee borrow my Dusknoir for one of her decks, she is using it with wobbufet and gengar ex.
Gengar EX could have some merit to it with dusknoir, but the weakness to Darkness across the board would be crippling in this format. Yveltal
EX is too good to ignore.
Would dusknoir be good with wobbuffet PF? With its attack you can perfectly place damage to do the knock out.
sainsaw said:
Would dusknoir be good with wobbuffet PF? With its attack you can perfectly place damage to do the knock out.

I think it could work with dimensional valley and a few miltanks to put on early pressure. I actually just posted a deck like that on Bebe's search. It's a straightforward strategy, but it has a couple of tricks up it's sleeve in the form of Mew EX.