Pokemon Dusknoir... One eye, or none?

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Aspiring Trainer
While looking at Dusknoir, I noticed it's eye. Upon further inspection, I started to wonder if what was an eye, or, maybe it's a tongue! Take a look at Dusknoir. The "eye" is not located where eyes are usually located. The "eye" is instead located where his mouth should be. So, in your opinion, is Dusknoir one-eyed, or does he have no eyes, and his "eye" is actually a tongue? What do you think? Is it a valid find, or am I just some demented Pokemon fan that really needs to get a life? You tell me!
...it's an eye. Duskull and Dusclops both have one eye. Dusknoir does too.
He just has an immense forehead...

How could it be a tongue? I mean, seriously, I know as a whole it kinda looks like a smiling mouth, but that thing does not look like a tongue.


See, it does look like a mouth :F
Not a tongue, though.
I thought it was an eye, however, IDK, to me, it kinda looked like a tongue. Figures, seeing as I'm blind as a bat...
omg he looks so goofy now

Awesome job c-m

¬_¬ I made it. PMJ just posted it after I showed it in the chat room, but I wanted to introduce it myself.
Xander said:
¬_¬ I made it. PMJ just posted it after I showed it in the chat room, but I wanted to introduce it myself.

I meant a particular mod, as well as yourself, that both posted a creation of their own. -_-
I'm cracking up right now at those 2 mutant 'noirs!

But anyway I think you just need some sleep. x3
It's his eye, in certain things you can see it moving AS an Eye.
I can't remember in what right now, I'm sorry :S

It's definitely an Eye, "Dusclops" clearly relates to Cyclops.

Also, to entertain all of you, I thought I'd post this. I made this today for all of you. :3

Xander said:


Dezuray said:
It's his eye, in certain things you can see it moving AS an Eye.
I can't remember in what right now, I'm sorry :S

It's definitely an Eye, "Dusclops" clearly relates to Cyclops.

Also, to entertain all of you, I thought I'd post this. I made this today for all of you. :3


Oh god, I'm dying of laughter here :D
anyways, I think it's an eye. But after looking at these pictures, I'll try to imagine it as a tounge from now on.
I'm glad you liked it. It took 10 minutes on Photoshop. >_>
I just...felt like it had to be said.

D: Shoop Da Whoop..

I want another Dusknoir Evolution. As a dual thing, y'know, like on Dusclops. Dusclops @ "Light Cloth"
A more offensive Dusknoir...with TWO Eyes. :/ No Mouth.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
He just has an immense forehead...

How could it be a tongue? I mean, seriously, I know as a whole it kinda looks like a smiling mouth, but that thing does not look like a tongue.


See, it does look like a mouth :F
Not a tongue, though.

OMG, I loled hard.
I do believe it's an eye.
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