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Dusknoir Spread deck (Ratinoir? Duskicate?)


Actually a Ditto in disguise
A little spread deck I threw together.
Basis is to get dusknoir out asap and use spread attacks to get as much damage out as possible. The premise on the deck seems promising, but I'm not sure what pokemon to use that are the most effective at spreading damage.
Pokemon: 17
2x sigilyph (DE) [Stalling against EXs]
3-0-3 Dusknoir (BC)
2x landorus ex (BC)
3-2 Raticate (BC)
2x Groudon ex (DX)

Trainers etc: 31
4x rocky helmet
4x Rare Candy
3x Juniper
4x Ultra ball
4x Cheren
4X Switch
4x N
4x Town map

energies: 12
4x Prism energy
2x DCE
3x Fighting
3x Psychic

I think 4 Rocky Helmet is a little overboard.
-1 Rocky Helmet

You only need one Town Map. 3 of them are currently worthless?
-3 Town Map

Landorus is the best Pokemon in the deck to start with do to its cheap attack. (tested and works)
+1 Landorus

I think a Mewtwo would be nice in the deck and 2 sigilyphs might be too many with the spread in mind.
+1 Mewtwo EX
-1 Sigilyph

I prefer 3-1-3 Dusknoir with 3 Rare Candy. Your choice. But if you pick the way you have it you could really use skyla to find the rare candy early. I would replace 2 Cheren.
-2 Cheren
+2 Skyla

Raticate seems to be one of the main attackers so I would it needs DCE along with the Mewtwo EX. Also with 1 Sigilyph you need less psychic.
+1 DCE
-1 Psychic
+1 Fighting

Ultra Ball is great but in this deck a Heavy Ball is beast serach for Landorus, dusknoir, or Groudon.
-1 Ultra Ball
+2 Heavy Ball

One card left... A level Ball is nice because you could search for a Raticate family memeber or Duskull and maybe Dusclops if added. With skyla easily searched.
+1 Level Ball

Groudon may or may not work in this deck I am not sure never tested him. But if he is clunky I might take them out and add 2 terrakion.

Everything I said is my reccomendations, you do not have to do exactly as i say. These changes are probaly what I would do.
Hope I Helped!