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Aspiring Trainer
So with the release of the new Dusknoir, I wanted to make a deck that relies on getting damage counters on the board and then moving them around to knock out my opponent's pokemon that re giving me trouble. I feel as though the list is really inconstant energy wise, and want to fix that. I'm a bit unsure of the Cofgrius tech as well.

Pokemon (22):

2-3-2 Dusknoir
2 Kyurem
2 Mex EX
3 Darkrai EX
1 Groudon EX
2 Landorus EX
2 Registeel EX
1-1 Cofagrius (NV 46)

TSS (19):

3 Cheren
1 Computer Search
2 Rare Candy
2 Bianca
4 N
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Catcher

Energy (19):

3 Blend GRPD
4 Darkness
3 Fighting
3 Blend WLFM
4 Prism
I don't even know where to begin.
I will just post my own list, close as I can to what you are trying to accomplish.

3-2-3 Dusknoir
3 Landorus EX
3 Darkrai EX
2 Sableye DEX

3 Skyla
2 Juniper
2 Bianca
2 N
3 Cheren

2 RR
3 Ultra Ball
3 Dark Patch
1 Computer Search
3 Energy Switch
1 Super Rod
2 Catcher
2 Rare Candy

8 Darkrness
5 Fighting
Why GRPD? Also i would remove cofagrigus. Try better an energy line of:
6 Darkness
6 Fighting

I would also play a 3-1-3 Dusknoir, 3 Darkrai, 2 Landorus EX, 2 Mew EX and 1 Groundon EX.
15 Pokemon is okay. There would now be 14 free spaces. 3 Skyla, 4 N, 3 Juniper, 2 Random Receiver and 2 Cheren is a good supporter line. Also Consider super rod. Also Dark Patch for darkrai accel.

- 1-1 cofagrigus
- 2 registeel EX
- 3 Kyurem
- 0-1-0 Dusknoir
- 3 GRPD
- 2 DCE
- 3 WLFM
- 4 Prism
- 2 Bianca
-22 total

+ 1-0-1 Dusknoir
+ 1 Rare Candy
+ 3 Juniper
+ 3 Skyla
+ 2 Random Receiver
+ 2 Darkness
+ 3 Fighting
+ 1 Catcher
+ 1 Super Rod
+ 3 Darkrai
+ 1 extra space (probably mewtwo, more energy, other trainers, buffer duskoir line).
+ 22
What is with the 2-3-2 Dusknoir line? And running Mew EX is just like asking your opponent to win.
Try something like this:
3-2-3 Dusknoir
3 Darkrai EX
2 Landorus EX
2 Terrakion NV
2 Mewtwo EX

4 N
4 Cheren
3 Juniper
2 Skyla
3 Catcher
3 Rare Candy
1 Super Rod
3 Ultra Ball
1 Computer Search
2 Random Reciever
3 Dark Patch
3 Energy Switch

6 Dark energy
5 Fighting energy

This is just a basic list, but try not to get too complex with any deck like this.