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Eat Your Greens [Illumise + Volbeat]


Monkey Pokémon Maniac
So, Lou Cypher posted a deck to play against new players at League, I liked the idea because it was...AWESOME! So, I stole it. It has been modified to be hilarious instead of fair to new players. Please comment :D

===== EAT YOUR GREENS! =====

--- Pokemon (15) ---

4 Illumise {Tr}
4 Volbeat {Tr}
2-2 Shaymin LV.X (#126) {Pt}
1 Azelf {LA}
2 Uxie {LA}

--- Energy (8) ---

8 {G}

--- Trainers (37) ---

2 Snowpoint Temple

4 Pokemon Collector
2 Twins
2 Seeker
3 Professor Oak's New Theory

4 Great Ball
1 Luxury Ball
3 Poke Rescue
2 Premier Ball
2 Expert Belt
4 Plus Power
4 Poke Drawer +
2 Warp Point
2 Super Scoop Up

----- Strategy -----

Bring out one Illumise with one energy and an Expert Belt as active while 4 Volbeat are on my bench along with a Shaymin LV.X. Snowpoint Temple should also be in play.

At this point:

Active Illumise has -> 70+20+20+40 = 150 HP
------Inflicting-------> 30x4 + 20 = 0-140 damage + 0-40 (from pluspower)
RE: Lou Cypher's Stolen Deck

You add the 20 Expert Belt damage after fliping all the coins because it counts as one attack. So it is : a coin for each Volbeat and 20 more damage. 0-140
-4 Snowpoint Temple (Lol four? this makes your SP matchup even worse)
-2 Belts (Again, why four?)
-2 Premier Ball (I herd u lyke four?)
-2 Call (IMO it's an overkill the way you're running this)

+1 Collector (You need to max this)
+2 SSU (Reuses Uxie and is great with Illmuse)
+2 Twins (Late game)
+2 Cyrus's (Fishes out energy)
+3 Pokemon Rescue (You're recovery system...instead you could do a Palmer's and 2 Seeker)
Nonononono. Seeker>SSU. Yes it's a supporter, but you dpn't have to deal with those nasty coin flips, AND your opponent picks a benched up (given, it'll probably be a Uxie, but it helps if you want to go for the surprise early-but-not-extremely-early-game donk!!! :D)
Huh....The Seeker argument makes some sense....I'll try it!

Also, I'm considering all of your ideas Tyraniking

I would take out 1 pokemon collector. You only have 13 pokemon and you will be drawing most of them. The pokemon collecter might clog up your hand lol
This looks like a fun deck I might run but you may want to take out 1 landmin X and put in a Skymin to revenge on grass types.
The other problem is that Machamp prime and SF can be a no contest with take out. I can't think of anything to help right now but you should consider that
Well, we'll deal with that when I get there :p....This isn't really for tournaments, so I couldn't care less about Ma-cheap.