1. No hacked pokemon or anything having to do with hacks or messing with a pokemon stats ( IVS ) nature or any illegal alterations to a pokemon.
2. I mostly want Flawless Iv pokemon that have good natures and are useable, Mostly OU tier pokemon
3. Have fun trading with me
1. EV training, Yeah I do this It can take anywhere from 1 day to one week but I am very good at this.
2. Iv Checking, I can check IVs for you or tell you how
3. HACK checking, Yeah I figured out how to do it actually. So if you trade me something Hacked I will know.
Level: 50
OT: Eigakan (Movie Theater) ( Text is in japanese )
ID No.: 07198
Ball: Cherish
Ribbon: Classic
Moves: Seed Flare, Aromatherapy, Substitute, Energy Ball
Nature: Mild
Azelf, Rash LvL 50
Hidden Power: 34, FIGHTING | Format: stat (IV/EP)
Such a Hard choice for attacks.
the IV calculator Cant get a Exact IV count but it gaves me these Ivs, its because its LvL 50 But I garuntee these are legit.
Lv 51 Garchomp Naive Nature
252 atk/254 spe/4 hp
Ivs 22/28/13/1/3/28
Brick break
Stone Edge
Dragon Rush
Scizor Adamant
252 atk/254 spe/ 4 hp
Bullet Punch
Electivire Adamant
Motor Drive
252 atlk/ 254 spe/ 4 hp
Ivs 2/24/13/17/25/24
Earth quake
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Brick Break
Other Haves
Aipom lv 7 Adamant Untouched
Riolu Lv 1 Hasty Untouched
EV training Services and Cloning services
Good Iv pokemon with Good nature
Just list em like this
Pokemon name/nature
Hp/Atk/Def/Sp atk/Sp def/Spe
Ev Spread
* Egg moves if any *
Just like that
Other Wants that I am really looking for
* The better the Ivs On the pokemon The more likely I will trade you*
* If you do not knwo the Ivs of a pokemon I will ask you to check and if you lie I will let everyone know you are a Liar*
1. Togekiss ( flinch Kiss set up ) * Mostly wanted Level 50 or Lower *
Calm/Serene grace
252 hp/6 def/252 SpD
-Body Slam/Thunderwave
-Air Slash
-Aura Sphere/Nasty plot/Substitute
2.Kingdra * Mostly wanted Level 50 or Lower *
Adamant/Modest/Swift swim
Untouched EVs Unless you have a good set up
Moves I will specify with whatever Nature you have you have
* Must have great speed IVs of 30 or 31 adamant needs 31 atk IV and modest needs 31 SpAtk IV *
3. Just Flawless IV pokemon with a useable Nature
1. No hacked pokemon or anything having to do with hacks or messing with a pokemon stats ( IVS ) nature or any illegal alterations to a pokemon.
2. I mostly want Flawless Iv pokemon that have good natures and are useable, Mostly OU tier pokemon
3. Have fun trading with me
1. EV training, Yeah I do this It can take anywhere from 1 day to one week but I am very good at this.
2. Iv Checking, I can check IVs for you or tell you how
3. HACK checking, Yeah I figured out how to do it actually. So if you trade me something Hacked I will know.
Level: 50
OT: Eigakan (Movie Theater) ( Text is in japanese )
ID No.: 07198
Ball: Cherish
Ribbon: Classic
Moves: Seed Flare, Aromatherapy, Substitute, Energy Ball
Nature: Mild
Azelf, Rash LvL 50
Hidden Power: 34, FIGHTING | Format: stat (IV/EP)
Such a Hard choice for attacks.
the IV calculator Cant get a Exact IV count but it gaves me these Ivs, its because its LvL 50 But I garuntee these are legit.
Lv 51 Garchomp Naive Nature
252 atk/254 spe/4 hp
Ivs 22/28/13/1/3/28
Brick break
Stone Edge
Dragon Rush
Scizor Adamant
252 atk/254 spe/ 4 hp
Bullet Punch
Electivire Adamant
Motor Drive
252 atlk/ 254 spe/ 4 hp
Ivs 2/24/13/17/25/24
Earth quake
Ice Punch
Thunder Punch
Brick Break
Other Haves
Aipom lv 7 Adamant Untouched
Riolu Lv 1 Hasty Untouched
EV training Services and Cloning services
Good Iv pokemon with Good nature
Just list em like this
Pokemon name/nature
Hp/Atk/Def/Sp atk/Sp def/Spe
Ev Spread
* Egg moves if any *
Just like that
Other Wants that I am really looking for
* The better the Ivs On the pokemon The more likely I will trade you*
* If you do not knwo the Ivs of a pokemon I will ask you to check and if you lie I will let everyone know you are a Liar*
1. Togekiss ( flinch Kiss set up ) * Mostly wanted Level 50 or Lower *
Calm/Serene grace
252 hp/6 def/252 SpD
-Body Slam/Thunderwave
-Air Slash
-Aura Sphere/Nasty plot/Substitute
2.Kingdra * Mostly wanted Level 50 or Lower *
Adamant/Modest/Swift swim
Untouched EVs Unless you have a good set up
Moves I will specify with whatever Nature you have you have
* Must have great speed IVs of 30 or 31 adamant needs 31 atk IV and modest needs 31 SpAtk IV *
3. Just Flawless IV pokemon with a useable Nature