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Standard EDGY EMOS (Zoroark/Lycanroc)


Floette is love Floette is life
Pokemon: 22
4x Rockruff Promo
3x Lycanroc GX GRI
4x Zorua BKT (moonless madness)
3x Zoroark GX SLG
2x Zoroark BKT
1x Zoroark BREAK BKT
1x Marshadow SLG
3x Tapu Lele GX GRI
1x Tapu Koko Promo

Trainers: 30
4x N
4x Sycamore
3x Field Blower
3x Float Stone
1x Brigette
3x Choice Band
4x Ultra Ball
3x Acerola
3x Guzma
2x Special Charge

Energy: 8
4x Double Colorless
4x Rainbow Energy
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I have actually play tested a deck much like this.
I recommend cutting the sudowoodo as both zoroark BKT and lycanrcos GX attack depend on the number of benched pokemon your opponent has.
I also recommend a 2nd acerola as you can take lycanroc off the field if you are playing against golisopod (the worst matchup, although it is still winable) or reuse its ability. Also, I think that reverse valley is not needed as 120+30 for choice band+10 hits 160 which is still 10 short of koko and lele and 150 still hits the 2 shots.
I don’t think that dark or strong energy is as good, as 99% of the time spending 2 turns to copy 1 attack doesn’t seem as good as hitting up to 250 damage and getting a crucial knockout (especially because you can’t use strong energy on Zoroark).
Koko promo is also really good at spread and has helped me to get crucial knockouts on things that have survived with 10 hp (its happened twice against Metagross)Other than that, the deck looks good. Wrap up:
-1 Sudowoodo
-2 Reverse valley
-2 Dark Energy
-4 Strong Energy
+2 Acerola
+4 Rainbow (for acerola use and attachments)
+1 to 2 Special Charge (To recycle as you are playing 4 special energy)
+ 1 to 2 Koko Promo
Why no Buzzwole GXs to be a designated starter that can "soften up" your opponent's Pokémon for eventual KO, as well as provide some needed time for you to setup your bench? Buzzwole GX also has a P Weakness; so, it is less likely to be 1HKOd unlike your Lycanroc GXs. I'd suggest adding 3 Buzzwole GXs replacing an Acerola, Marshadow, and a Field Blower.
Why no Buzzwole GXs to be a designated starter that can "soften up" your opponent's Pokémon for eventual KO, as well as provide some needed time for you to setup your bench? Buzzwole GX also has a P Weakness; so, it is less likely to be 1HKOd unlike your Lycanroc GXs. I'd suggest adding 3 Buzzwole GXs replacing an Acerola, Marshadow, and a Field Blower.
This is Pre-CRI :/