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Eelektrik Variant


The Origins of Great Power and Knowledge
Hi, this is my current Zekrom/Eelektrik deck and I would like some help fixing the list for max consistancy and for the record I will not add in extra Mewtwo EX's, one works fine for me atm. Also, I need help with the Darkrai EX (tank) version.

Thundurus start is ideal and charge turn 1, whilst setting-up Eelektrik and other attackers, then attack with whoever is needed.

2 Zekrom BLW 114/114
1 Thundurus EPO 97/98
1 Mewtwo EX NEX 54/99
1 Tornadus EX DEX 90/108
1 Raikou EX DEX 38/108
1 Smeargle UD 8/90
3 Eelektrik NVI 40/101
4 Tynamo NVI 38/101 (40HP)

14 Pokemon

4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Professor Juniper
3 N
3 Dual Ball
1 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
4 Junk Arm
3 Pokemon Catcher
2 Eviolite
2 Switch
2 Random Receiver
2 PlusPower
1 Super Rod
1 Revive
1 Sky Arrow Bridge

34 Trainers/Items/Supporters/Stadiums

8 Lightning Energy
4 Double Colourless Energy

12 Energy

Possible techs:
Zekrom EX NEX
Terrakion NVI
Shaymin UL
Rocky Helmet
Crushing Hammer
Fighting/Prism Energy

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I wanna try and fit in at least 1 Terrakion NVI + Fighting/Prism Energy for the darkrai and Mirror match but I'm stuck on what to take out for them. What do you think?
I'll try to help you fitting 2 Terrakion and 3 Prism/Fightning, as that is more consistent. First, you can start by taking out Raikou since that mainly helps only on mirror match and now you have Terrakion.
-1 Raikou EX
Total: -1

Next, I don't think why you run both Revive and Super Rod. I personally prefer Revive, as it gives you more options in the moment of the game, but perhaps with Darkrai EX now in the metagame, Super Rod would be a better choice since it can get back Eels.
-1 Revive/Super Rod
Total: -2

Now, you could take out 2 DCE, because, I mean, your probably not gonna use them that much with only 2 DCE attackers and since you can charge them with Eelektrik and Fightning Energy I think it's a good option.
-2 DCE
Total: -4

At last, you can either take out 1 PONT or 1 Random Receiver, that's your choice. Personally I would choose to keep Random Receiver.
-1 PONT/Random Receiver
Total: -5

There you go. Now you can OHKO those pesky Darkrais xD
Also, you could add another Skyarrow Bridge but I really don't know what to take out for it.
Hope I helped!