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Expanded Eels Box


Aspiring Trainer
Raikou/Eels is a force to be reckoned with the expanded regionals gaining so much love, and can have many options as back-up attackers. However, this list isn't primarily focused on Raikou, and is more or less a fun deck or a last resort at tournaments. Without further adieu, the list.

4 Tynamo
4 Dynamotor Eelectrik
3 Raikou
2 Seismitoad EX
2 Tapu Lele GX
1 Mewtwo EX (XBall)
1 Tapu Koko GX
1 Shaymin EX

4 Juniper or Sycamore
3 N
2 Lysandre
2 Colress
1 Karen
1 Brigette

4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Trainers Mail
3 Fighting Fury Belt
3 Hypnotoxic Laser
3 Max Elixir
2 Battle Compressor
2 Muscle Band
2 Choice Band
1 Field Blower

2 Rough Seas
2 Aether Paradise Conservation Area

10 Lightning

The whole point is to simply set up Eelectrik and set up your attackers. In my opinion, this is one of the few decks that doesn't mind a Lele start and can afford to pay retreat costs. Hence why I don't play floats. The reasoning is very simple: Just Dynamotor it back onto the field. Tapu Koko acts like a Keldeo EX but can actually be a useful attacker if you don't want to risk the retreat. I personally couldn't find space for Super Rods or stretchers, but feel free to cut a Compressor if you'd like. Lastly, I'd like to remind you that this is more a fun build revolving around Eels than Raikou.

What exactly is Mewtwo EX for? Just an alternative to a third Lele?

Anyway, if it's a toolbox deck you could also try a copy of Joltoen EX(Flash Ray to troll Basics) and Pikachu EX(finish big threats without making this into RayEels). Also think 1-2 more Tapu Koko GX would be wise(retreating doesn't work against a lock deck for example and that's going to ruin your fun if Koko is prized) and that 3 Raikou is less interesting than a broader selection.

I'm trying to keep in mind this is a fun deck, but there are still some more options that I think would improve the experience. IMO the most fun to be had with electric is playing Magnezone with Dual Brains; it's probably my favourite ability on any card...