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Eelzone for States


i like charizard
Hi everyone. This is my first post, so sorry if I mess up a bit.
Anyway, here is my current Magnezone/Eelektrik list, so tell me what you think.

Pokemon (17):
3-1-3 Magnezone Prime
3-3 Eelektrik (30 HP Tynamo)
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Zekrom EX
1 Zekrom
1 Thundurus

T/S/S (29):
4 N
1 Juniper
4 Sage's Training
4 Pokemon Collector

1 Super Rod
2 Pokemon Catcher
3 Rare Candy
4 Junk Arm
1 Level Ball
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Switch

Energy (14):
12 {L}

Hopefully start with Thundurus/Zekrom while setting up Eelektriks, then sweep with Magnezone and Zekrom EX. Mewtwo can hit big, but I have it mostly to counter other Mewtwos.

My biggest problem so far has been dealing with Mewtwo; unless I have 4+ energies on the board when it is active (which at the start I don't) I can't KO it. Obviously a Mewtwo would be very beneficial to my deck list to counter it (and just because it's really good), but I can't afford one at the current price.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
I prefer more like 4-3 eelektrik. There should definitely be 1 more zekrom EX and maybe regular zekrom. Mewtwo EX would also be beneficial and maybe shaymin EX I guess. I'd take out the rescue energy and some electric energies for DCEs and those pokemon. Try cutting a N for another juniper. Another catcher may be needed. Mewtwo goes great with this deck IMO.
Jirachi, thanks for the advice, but (and this may just be me) I tend not to use Juniper that much. I usually have 5+ card hands, and if I'm getting a hand refresh, I'd rather go with N even if it's a card or two less. I'll try adding another Zekrom/Zek EX, but what do you think I should drop? I originally had a DCE, but Rescue is working a bit better for me.

Also, I just tested against Durant and got destroyed. He Catchered an Eel, and i didn't get switch until there were like 8 cards left in my deck. What should I drop to add another? Thanks.
And if this helps, here's my record against other big decks with my current list:

Zekrom/Eels: 2-3
Durant: 0-1
CMT: 4-6 (my sister made CMT, but proxied all her Mewtwos :))

I haven't been able to test as much as I'd like...
Are you going to play Mewtwo? It's a good idea though, even though it's a tough card to get... It's really a great card to play if you have it. :)
Dang, your list looks really tight. I'd say

-1 Sage's Training
-1 Juniper
-1 N
-1 Level Ball

+1 Magnemite
+1 Magneton
+1 Switch

It adds more consistency on your pokemon side. You don't really need to worry about the draw power since you're running Zone. It'll make it easier for you to consistently pull out your Magnezones and start taking prizes.
Thanks Namurashi for all the improvements! It has already helped me some in testing.
My new list is above... any more advice? I'm kind of freaking out about States.
I'd remove the Cleffa for a Thundurus. Thundurus' T2 80 damage attack with helpful energy discard is much better then Cleffa's redrawing a 6 card hand once or twice while giving your opponent a free prize.
Cake101, Hmm... that might just work. I have been wondering what to drop for a DCE or two for a while now. I felt like I couldn't drop a {L} because I always ran short with Magnezone anyway, but this could help me put more emphasis on Zekrom and Zekrom EX (which could really help).

dirupti, I mostly use Cleffa to send up after a KO so I can Dynamotor energies onto something else. Eeeeeeek is sometimes pretty helpful, but it's mostly the free retreat. Of course, I will try Thundurus again, but it just hasn't worked in my deck so far.
Update: In a few games of testing, Thundurus has been a great starter! I guess maybe I just needed the right list.

Anyway, thanks to both of you, as well as everyone else who has helped!
After some advice on Pokegym (and the EX tins at Target being released too early), I switched
-1 Magneton
+1 Zekrom EX