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Eevee Prime


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 18
2x Eevee (P-RR)
2x Eevee (HS-U)
2x Espeon Prime (HS-U)
1x Espeon (DP-MD)
1x Umbreon Prime (HS-U)
2x Umbreon (HS-U)
1x Umbreon (DP-MD)
4x Sableye (DP-S)
2x Uxie (DP-LA)
1x Azelf (DP-LA)

Trainers: 16
3x Pokémon Communication (HS)
2x Research Record (CoL)
2x Super Scoop Up (HS-U)
2x Warp Point (DP-MD)
2x Pokémon Rescue (P)
2x Expert Belt (P-A)
2x Energy Exchanger (HS-U)
1x Luxury Ball (DP-S)

Supporters: 8
2x Bebe's Search (P-RR)
2x Interviewer's Questions (CoL)
2x Professor Oak's New Theory (CoL)
2x Pokémon Collector (HS)

Stadiums: 3
3x Broken Time-Space (P)

Energy: 15
4x Psychic
4x Rainbow
4x Special Darkness
2x Double Colorless
1x Warp Energy

Get 3 different Eeveelutions on the Bench whilst setting up an Espeon Prime with Rainbow Energies and Double Colorless (depending on whats on the bench) giving Espeon an Expert Belt and hitting for some nice damage, especially if Umbreon Prime is on the bench and there are 4 Eeveelutions out. The deck set like this can hit for 90, or 110 with an expert belt, and a max of 140 if Umbreon Prime is the active and the 3 energies are Special Darkness. If there is a slow start, then hide behind Moonlight Fang for a while whilst setting up.

All constructive criticism is appreciated!

since you're going to NEED broken Time-space out, I would recommend swapping 1 Bebe's for an extra BTS. as well as NO elm's training method, in favor of another Collector since communication piggybacks off of a collector amazingly well and you already run 3. then use the extra space for a Warp Energy.
Vileplume will lock your trainers out. so you might need a way to retreat. also using seeker instead of SSU will make warp energy even better since you get to retreat for "free" and then bring up your damaged eeveelution. since trainer lock is a very likely thing to happen.
yes. SSU helps if you have no way to retreat for free and need your active gone for whatever reason. but Seeker has more positives than negatives over SSU.
oh yeah just saw that, working on it now, thanks BurstPikachu99

-1x Espeon Prime (HS-U)
-1x Espeon (HS-U)
-1x Bebe's Search (P-RR)
-2x Professor Elm's Training Method (CoL)

+2x Sableye (DP-S)
+1x Broken Time-Space (P)
+1x Pokémon Collector (HS)
+1x Warp Energy
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you allowed up to four of one Pokémon? And you have 5 Umbreons? Other than that, it's looking good.