this is my spin on the popular eevee deck
19 pokemon
4 eevee 3 MD/1 RR
2 espeon prime
1 umbreon prime
2 umbreon UD
1 umbreon MD
1 espeon UD
1 espeon MD
1-1 bronzong SF
1 azelf
1 uxie
2 unown UD(dark)
1 smeargle UD
23 T/S/S
2 cheerleaders cheer
2 bebes search
1 lucians assignment
1 engineers adjustments
1 seeker
3 super scoop up
2 energy exchanger
2 pokemon rescue
1 great ball
1 dusk ball
1 luxury ball
1 energy search
1 lucky egg
1 expert belt
1 pokemon contest hall
18 energy
4 {D}
8 {P}
4 special {D}
1 rescue
1 {C}{C}
my strategy is to usually to get all my eeveelutions out and begin attacking with umbreon prime or umbreon UD. once my umbreon prime is close to being knocked out, i pick it up with either its poke power or a super scoop up. then i begin with an umbreon UD or an espeon using umbreon's attack. this deck fares really well if set up right and thats the only trouble i have sometimes. i know there's some improvement to be done so thats why im posting it
19 pokemon
4 eevee 3 MD/1 RR
2 espeon prime
1 umbreon prime
2 umbreon UD
1 umbreon MD
1 espeon UD
1 espeon MD
1-1 bronzong SF
1 azelf
1 uxie
2 unown UD(dark)
1 smeargle UD
23 T/S/S
2 cheerleaders cheer
2 bebes search
1 lucians assignment
1 engineers adjustments
1 seeker
3 super scoop up
2 energy exchanger
2 pokemon rescue
1 great ball
1 dusk ball
1 luxury ball
1 energy search
1 lucky egg
1 expert belt
1 pokemon contest hall
18 energy
4 {D}
8 {P}
4 special {D}
1 rescue
1 {C}{C}
my strategy is to usually to get all my eeveelutions out and begin attacking with umbreon prime or umbreon UD. once my umbreon prime is close to being knocked out, i pick it up with either its poke power or a super scoop up. then i begin with an umbreon UD or an espeon using umbreon's attack. this deck fares really well if set up right and thats the only trouble i have sometimes. i know there's some improvement to be done so thats why im posting it