Ruling Eeveelutions with stage 1 pokemon and break


Aspiring Trainer
Just a quick question...if I am running a stage 1 pokemon with an attached break card, does it still benefit from the AOR eeveelutions typing for weakness and resistance or does the break card nullify that ability?
Just a quick question...if I am running a stage 1 pokemon with an attached break card, does it still benefit from the AOR eeveelutions typing for weakness and resistance or does the break card nullify that ability?

The Ability isn't nullified or negated; it just only works on Stage 1 Pokémon and a BREAK evolution is just that (a Stage of Evolution). You can tell by looking in the upper left-hand corner, of the card. Well, what is the upper left-hand corner if you have the card held so all its text is upright. ;) You'll see the same stuff you would on any other Stage of Evolution; the name of the Stage, below that a picture of the Pokémon from which it Evolves, and immediately to the right of that image the words "Evolves from [inset Pokémon name]. I am not trying to beat a dead horse by stating this but letting you know exactly how you can find this stuff out for yourself in the future just by looking at the cards themselves.

It is confusing if you're familiar with the old Level-Up mechanic we saw during the DP and PL-series of releases, those were specifically not a Stage of Evolution. I wasn't very active during that time, but I remember it. Your question justifies why I usually mention how BREAK Evolutions are their own Stage while reviewing such cards. ;)