Good evening/morning ladies and gentlemen. This is a deck I put together when b/w was first released but due to school and work I havent been able to play with it very much and a new set came out. Therefore i am searching for suggestions! ok so here goes.
3 throh bw
4 sudowoodo tr
4 voltorb tr
4 electrode prime tr
trainers 21
4 plus power bw
4 pokemon communication bw
2 dual ball tr
3 research record col
4 switch bw
4 junk arm tr
supporters 12
4 black belt tr
4 professor juniper bw
4 professor oaks new theorey hg
12 {F} energy
start with throh or sudowoodo. Set up electrode prime as soon as possible with the help of PONT and juniper. use energy mite to attatch energy to sudowoodo and/or throh. use research record to make sure you get the energy instead of other random cards. since electrode kills itself you can use black belt to do 40 more damage along with plus powers and junk arms for plus powers. Kinda fast fighting deck. it kills zekrom... painfully. and its too fast for magnezone to handle. any thoughts?
3 throh bw
4 sudowoodo tr
4 voltorb tr
4 electrode prime tr
trainers 21
4 plus power bw
4 pokemon communication bw
2 dual ball tr
3 research record col
4 switch bw
4 junk arm tr
supporters 12
4 black belt tr
4 professor juniper bw
4 professor oaks new theorey hg
12 {F} energy
start with throh or sudowoodo. Set up electrode prime as soon as possible with the help of PONT and juniper. use energy mite to attatch energy to sudowoodo and/or throh. use research record to make sure you get the energy instead of other random cards. since electrode kills itself you can use black belt to do 40 more damage along with plus powers and junk arms for plus powers. Kinda fast fighting deck. it kills zekrom... painfully. and its too fast for magnezone to handle. any thoughts?