• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Electivire(HGSS on.)


Aspiring Trainer
4 Smoochum.
4-4 Electivire.
3-3 Cincinno.
2-2 Electrode Prime.
2 Zekrom.

Total : 24.

2 Pokemon Collector.
3 Professor Junipers.
2 Twins.
2 Engineer's Adjustments.
2 Copycat.

Total : 11

3 Pokemon Communication.
2 Pokemon Reversal.
3 Super Scoop Up.
2 Energy Retrieval.
1 Burned Tower.

Total : 10

12 Electric Energy.
2 Double Colorless.

Total : 14

-Get Smoochum out in the first or second turn via collector or first hand draw.
-Start collecting benched pokemon(Zekrom/Cincinno/Electivire) while you're moving energies, both disrupting their attacks/retreating and spreading damage for the on coming electivire.
-Assuming by this time either one two of my smoochums has died and I can use twins or I had collected electrode in some other manner.
-Use Electrode's ability and knock him out allowing me to attach energies.
-Power up 2 Electivires or an Electivire and a Zekrom.
-Start hitting for max damage.

During testing it usually takes 2-4 to fully set up, the only major threat is inferno fandango and raindance decks that allow major attaching of energies.
RE: Electivire.

Put a strategy in your first post. Some players may not know what your cards do and/or your plan to use them.

Personally I would reduce your cincinno line to 2-2 and take out the electrode primes and zekroms and then add in a 2-2 of yanmega because you can snipe which would finish off anything that electervier couldnt.

So in total
-1-1 Cincinno
-2 Zekrom
-2-2 electrode prime
(4 spots free)
Now im gonna mess with your trainer line.
-2 energy retrieval
-1 burned tower
-3 superscoop up
-2 pokemon reversal
-2 engineers adjusments
-1 juniper
(15 spaces free)
These cards are not a need in your deck and can be replaced with more vital cards.
+2 pokemon collector
+1 copycat
+3 Judge
+3 switch
+3 junk arms
+3 pokemon reversals (Haha I changed my mind... This card would be good to send a pokemon up with high retreat so that you can snipe around it wiht electrevier or yanmega prime)

These changes will help your decks speed and constitency while adding some disruption into the mix aswell! The yanmegas will add more versatility to your deck not to mention its a good back up attacker for fighting decks.

Anyways take my advice or dont. But I do reccomend that you try these changes and see what you think!

Yeah I typed up a strategy. The electrodes kind of seem vital for fast energy attachment, when I first tested without Electrode I found that all my time/energy went into setting up Electivire and he'd get 1 or two good hits in and die. I'd then find myself helpless and having to sacrifice one or two other pokemon so that I can power up another Electivire.
True, but you still sacrifice an prize card because of electrode. while instead of doing that you could send up a yanmega to snipe after your first electivire goes down or another strategy would be to send up smoochum to spread even more energy around and to mess with them (I.e move rescue energy somewhere useless or DCE) Both these should buy you at least 2 turns (Unless your playing reshiram.. Then your kinda screwed anyways haha) Or! the turn your first electervire goes down send up another (Hopefully with at least 1 E energy) and use a pokemon reversal to stall and then use his attack plasma to get a energy back, there you go you have a fully charged electervire.

These are just some thoughts