electivire lvx

The Dark Toxicroak

Aspiring Trainer
so i was looking through the tralations when i saw this on the home page in english so i looked and that card seems a little bit to good for me first of all you just play till your about ot be knocked out then usde the effect of his attack now there dont have any tools stadiums and cant attack next turn and it still does 50 damage during this time you add another energy and retreat but while your up there your completly destroying there game because they fear attaching energies so they know longer play tools and stadiums because then they wont get to attack next turn and enrgies they play less somethings that would completey own with this card houndoom more disruption
ampharos dp3 someone posted it somewhere on pokebeach apparently it does 10 to every opponents pokemon when they use a supporter even more disruption at least i think thats what it is ill check to confirm this

why is dp2/3 have so many good cards where as diamond and pearl had a few
Please try using dots and capitals and stuff, for non-native English speakers it's sort of hell to read all that.
And every now and then, there's a sucky set. This format it was PK and EM mostly, next format it'll be DP.
About Electivire; if the opponent suspects you to play it, he won't play tools or stadiums that turn, narrowing you down to a somewhat sucky 50 for 2 energy. But I like its body, it's somewhat cool.
Also, nice noticing the combo with Amphy DP3, it'll work wonders I think.
Lol well, good thing you found your thing to get into, I guess. ^^
And I kinda forgot about how LVL Xes use the attack of the normal Poke, that made it seem kinda weak...but I guess it's quite allright now.
What most american players dont understand is the Electinite is the BDIF (Best deck in format) in japan right now... Because of ELectivire LvX.... It has no problems with Delta (From my personal experiance that is electinite toughest match up) + there is no stadium lock (Houndoom) so the only thing they can do is to use a Pokepower to shut down thier powers.... But the only pokes able to do that are EXs and are easily OHKOd by normal Electivires attack
Electivire is not broken. Strong? Yes. Broken? No.

This is just another one of those "liek zomg dat h4x i quat gam" things. If only people realized that Electivire is not as good as it is made out to be.

Good thing Metanite has rotated out...otherwise Electivire *WOULD* be broken.
lol im not quiting just saying its good and yes with the dragonites and metagross done theres not much you can do with this card sadly