Ruling Electivire SW

Psychic Pokemon Master

Aspiring Trainer
Ok, I have a question on its Discharge attack but before that, I will post the errata of the card.

Compendium said:
== DISCHARGE (Electivire - Secret Wonders)

* Electivire's "Discharge" attack should say "for each Electric Energy CARD" rather than just "for each Electric Energy". (Nov 16, 2007 Pokemon Organized Play News)

Since the attacks states "Discard all Lightning Energy cards", do I flip 1 coin OR 3 coins if I discard a Scramble Energy from it(lets say I'm losing)??
Thanks in advance... :)

P.S. Sorry if this question sounds like a dumb question but I just wanna confirm it... :)
Mewstor said:
Scramble energy is one card. So you flip once.

not exactly scramble provide 3 energy and electravir says that each lightning energys so and what if they had a scramble and a boost can u still only flip 2 coin i dont think so.
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Ok, I have a question on its Discharge attack but before that, I will post the errata of the card.

Compendium said:
== DISCHARGE (Electivire - Secret Wonders)

* Electivire's "Discharge" attack should say "for each Electric Energy CARD" rather than just "for each Electric Energy". (Nov 16, 2007 Pokemon Organized Play News)

You didn't read PPM's first message. The card has been errated. It should read "for each Electric Energy CARD" not "for each Electric Energy".

DRE provides two electric energy in this instance, but it's only one card. So it count's as only one coin flip. Same with scramble. Even if it is providing three electric energys, it is still just one card.
Thats right, it says;

For each electric ENERGY, flip 1 coin.

DRE and Scramble count as 1 energy for THIS attack