I like to get lucky with either Cleffa, Steelix or Bastiodon on turn 1 to allow for time to setup. Once I can drag Magnezone (5/100) onto the bench, he can use Magnetic Search to find any pokemon from my deck once per turn, slowly building up my army.
There are 2 main synergies with the deck: energy recycling, and pressuring the opponent.
My Electivires use their Motor Drives to get energy back from the discard pile once per turn each, helped by Conductive Quarry, and Magnezone's (6/100) Superconductivity if necessary.
My Mareep, Flaaffy and Ampharos (HGSS) all have attacks which find energy from my deck.
Getting Ampharos (POP 7) onto my bench helps put the pressure on by using Jamming to damage the opponent's pokemon if they play a supporter.
And Lv X Electivire's Shocking Tail makes them think twice about attaching energy cards.
Any advice would be appreciated. The deck currently feels quite strong and fast.
Please be aware that I am limited to what cards I own that I can use, hence the seeming mess of random trainers.
The bulk of my card collection is from the Gen 4 era, which is why I made this deck using those cards.
1 Magnezone Lv X
1 Magnezone (Stormfront 5/100)
1 Magnezone (Stormfront 6/100)
2 Magneton
2 Magnemite
1 Electivire Lv X
2 Electivire (Secret Wonders)
2 Electabuzz
1 Ampharos (HGSS Base)
1 Ampharos (POP 7)
1 Flaaffy
2 Mareep
1 Cleffa (HGSS Base)
1 Steelix GL
1 Bastiodon GL
2 Rare Candy
2 Night Maintenance
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Quick Ball
1 Premier Ball
1 Level Max
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Cynthia's Feelings
1 Felicity's Drawing
3 Roseanne's Research
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Engineer's Adjustments
1 Conductive Quarry
1 Broken Time-Space
8 Electric
4 Steel
3 Special Metal
I like to get lucky with either Cleffa, Steelix or Bastiodon on turn 1 to allow for time to setup. Once I can drag Magnezone (5/100) onto the bench, he can use Magnetic Search to find any pokemon from my deck once per turn, slowly building up my army.
There are 2 main synergies with the deck: energy recycling, and pressuring the opponent.
My Electivires use their Motor Drives to get energy back from the discard pile once per turn each, helped by Conductive Quarry, and Magnezone's (6/100) Superconductivity if necessary.
My Mareep, Flaaffy and Ampharos (HGSS) all have attacks which find energy from my deck.
Getting Ampharos (POP 7) onto my bench helps put the pressure on by using Jamming to damage the opponent's pokemon if they play a supporter.
And Lv X Electivire's Shocking Tail makes them think twice about attaching energy cards.
Any advice would be appreciated. The deck currently feels quite strong and fast.
Please be aware that I am limited to what cards I own that I can use, hence the seeming mess of random trainers.
The bulk of my card collection is from the Gen 4 era, which is why I made this deck using those cards.