Elite Four and Battle Frontier Brains...

Which is more higher?(position)

  • elite 4

    Votes: 10 62.5%
  • battle frontier brain

    Votes: 6 37.5%

  • Total voters

Ghost Pokemon Master

Dun Dun Dun Dun...
I was really wondering about this badly for days...What position is more higher?Being one of the Elite 4 or Being one of the Battle Frontier Brains?Sorry if this is in the wrong forum.
I prefer being in the Battle Frontier. You will be much stronger and more respected.Also Frontier brains have Powerful strategy.Elite four is just plain battling.
Well, think about it this way. Which came first in Emerald, E4 or Frontier Brains? E4, so Brains > E4.
The frontier brains, as said in the anime, are as strong as E4, but I want more E4 members to appear.
Amakusa Ryu said:
The frontier brains, as said in the anime, are as strong as E4, but I want more E4 members to appear.

Why doyou Think its Called, the E4
actually, the ELITE 4 is a group of 4 of the best trainers, you only see them shortly in the anime, and never really see their full power, although lorelei's cloyster did PWN ash's pikachu, (yes, she was called Prima).
Bruno does have an enormous onix, and didn't he beat that gengar on tv in what I think was the pokémon league? (yes, nothing's sure about that match, but, well, that was clearly Bruno), and didn't they say that Bruno was the best in that episode?
and then you have Lance, that guy not only has a very powerful dragonite, but also a furious red gyarados
ok, well, the FBs are great, but being with 7 and all of them losing to Ash, or only being with 4 and 1 of them PWNing ash, somehow being an E4 seems a bit more special, no?
BTW, aren't the FBs meant to be able to be beaten, and aren't the E4 meant to be the world's best 4 trainers?
in the GBA games the FBs are more special, but that's something else

so, well, E4 > FBs as far as I can see
I think Cute-Mew is correct. After all, they are the Elite Four and not the Stupid Four. But Frontier Brains are still very good. I think.
The Elite 4, Hands Down...

There is only 4 trainers who are in the ELITE 4. How many are in Battle Frontier??

I also agree with Cute Mew
well then,if we are in anime talk then i guess the elite four is better,but in the game,frontier is way harder.
charizards friend said:
well then,if we are in anime talk then i guess the elite four is better,but in the game,frontier is way harder.

Thats cuz you have to battle other Trainers, with out Healing (some exceptions)., if you just battle him without anything. it would be called, the Frontier 7 o_O
I don't seem to remember but do you fight them at level 100? I mean the Frontier Brains.
solaries10 said:
I don't seem to remember but do you fight them at level 100? I mean the Frontier Brains.

if you play Open wth atleast one of 100. Yes. then it would
Elite 4?

A tad more as 4 eh?

But anyway, I think in the show its:

Standard Trainers < Gym Leaders < Frontier Brains < Elite 4

And the trainers in between, like those able to beat Leaders but not Brains, or like Ash, beating Brains but not Elites.
Scipio has a point, however in the anime there are five elite fours, prima drake agatha bruno and lance