• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

Emboar/Attackers & Gardevoir/Mewtwo


Aspiring Trainer
Okay, here's the situation:

Me and my friends want to start playing again after many years of absence.

We were at the City Championships in Düsseldorf a week ago and failed horribly because we only had a starter deck each (DragonSnarl, Explosive Edge and Fast Daze). We were on the last 3 ranks ;)

So now I'm sitting here and need some help with the Decks we are going to build and here are the raw ones:

My Deck {G}{P}

Pokemon (12)

2 Mewtwo Ex ND
3 Ralts ND
3 Gardevoir ND
2 Giratina EX DE
2 Sigilyph DE (Ability)

Supporter (10)

4 Cheren
4 N
2 Cilan

Items (17)

4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Eviolite
3 Rare Candy
2 Energy Retrieval
3 Great Ball
2 Random Receiver

Energy (16)

{P} 8
Blend {G}{R}{P}{D} 4
{C}{C} 4

Thats room for 5 more. Possible Cards:

+2 Shaymin EX
+1 Cilan
+2 Skyla
+1/2 Kirlia
+2 SSU

Strategy: It's a rather simple beatdown Deck. Mewtwo EX as main DMG Dealer, Giratina EX as Backup as it can usually 2 HKO everything else and 1HKO Sigilyphs even with Eviolithe. Gardevoir to accelerate Energy for Mewtwo EX and Sigilyph.

I was thinking about Incuding Nincada/Ninjask/Ninjatom for hit'n'run without giving the opponent prizes in case he's killing Ninjatom.

Shaymin EX could help to make a comeback and beat up Terrakion EX and Keldeo EX.

Deck 2 {R}{D}

Pokemon (16)

3 Tepig B&W (70kp)
3 Emboar B&W (Ability)
2 Reshiram EX
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Darkrai EX
2 Zorua DE (Ascension)
2 Zoroark B&W (Foul Play)

Supporter (10)

4 N
4 Cheren
2 Cilan

Items (18)

4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Eviolite
3 Rare Candy
2 Energy Retrieval
4 Great Ball
2 Random Receiver

Energy (16)

Blend {G}{R}{P}{D} 4

Strategy: Emboar to Accelerate, Mewtwo EX and Darkrai EX as main Pokemon, Reshiram EX to kill other EX Pokemon that were damaged by Darkrai EX. Zoroark to fight Sigilyph.

Deck 3 {R}{P}

Pokemon (14)

3 Tepig B&W (70kp)
3 Emboar B&W (Ability)
2 Sigilyph DE (Ability)
2 Mewtwo Ex ND
2 Growlithe
2 Arcanine B&W ND (Ability)

Supporter (10)

4 N
4 Cheren
2 Cilan

Items (18)

4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Eviolite
3 Rare Candy
4 Energy Retrieval
4 Great Ball
2 Random Receiver

Energy (18)

Blend {G}{R}{P}{D} 4

Thats 60 =D

Strategy: Emboar to Accelerate, Arcanine to tank a little dmg and Beat up Sigilyph. Mewtwo as main Pokemon, Sigilyph to fight other EX.

I Appreciate your help, Please tell me what you would change and why ;)
Thank you in advance


Edit 1: Changed wrong german names to english
Edit 2: Added Strategy and Prefix
RE: Want to build decks for me and my friends

First of all, 12 energies is the right number to run. On the first build, I wouldn't run any non-psychic pokemon as Gardevoir only helps on psychic. Also take out Blend. Cilan is not needed, energy search works much better. I would also run Juniper with the Cilan out and the 3 Skyla is a must. Take out Great Ball and add Computer Search/Ultra Ball. Symvolera and Trasla are not English name so I don't know which pokemon are so a pic of the pokemon/card would be great to add. Add 1 Kirlia. The pokemon line I would run it like this:
3-1-3 Gardevoir (or 4-1-3)
3 Mewtwo EX
(If Symvolara and Trasla re psychic, leave them)

So I would go with:
- 2 Giratina EX
- 2 Cilan
- 4 Blend
- 3 Great Ball
Total: - 11

+3 Skyla
+1 Kirlia
+1 Ralts (gardevoir first evo)
+1 Computer Search
+1 Mewtwo EX
+4 Energy Search

Total: +11
RE: Want to build decks for me and my friends

I'm sorry, I edited the english names now ^^''

My Deck GrassPsychic

Pokemon (13)

3 Mewtwo Ex ND
4 Ralts ND
1 Kirlia
3 Gardevoir ND
2 Sigilyph DE (Ability)

Supporter (11)

4 Cheren
4 N
3 Skayla

Items (19)

4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Eviolite
3 Rare Candy
2 Energy Retrieval
2 Random Receiver
1 Computer Search
4 Energy Search

Energy (12)

Psychic 8
ColorlessColorless 4

Still 5 cards short, what should I add?

And do you have any Idea on the other Decks?

thank you for your help :3
RE: Need Help Building Decks For Me And My Friends

Professor Juniper should fill 3-4 spots in each deck. It's one of the best Supporters in the game, and can quickly fix a bad hand if used correctly. IIRC, it's also relatively cheap since it was printed in two sets and possibly some theme decks.
RE: Need Help Building Decks for Me and My Friends

This is still a deck, and I'm gonna have to move this thread. Could you please update the prefix and post a strategy?

RE: 3 Decks

Okay let's try again:

My Deck {G}{P}

Pokemon (14)

3 Munna BW
3 Musharna ND
2 Sigilyph DE (Ability)
2 Mewtwo Ex ND
2 Giratina EX DE
2 Shaymin EX

Supporter (10)

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
2 Bell

Items (22)

4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Ether
4 Energy Search
3 Eviolite
3 Random Receiver
2 Switch

Energy (14)

{P} 5
{G} 5
{C}{C} 4

Strategy: Mewtwo EX as Damage Dealer, Giratina EX against Sigilyph (Ability), Shaymin EX against Landorus, Sigilyph against EX Pokemon, Musharna for Draw/Ether I know it's kinda simple but I gotta start somewhere. Help is appreciated :)