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Emortar (Emboar/Magmortar


Aspiring Trainer
I was looking at card after the b/w prerelease and I put together this deck, let me know what you think if I need to add something or take something out.

2-2-2 Emboar
3-3 Magmortar (TR)
4 Sableye/Spiritomb
3 Reshiram
2 Uxie

3 Collectors
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Fisherman
4 Energy Retrieval
3 Professor Juniper
3 Vs Seeker
3 Junk Arm

Energy: 17
17 Fire Energy

Load up on fire energy either on Reshiram and keep the 120 damage or put the energy on Magmortar and mill the opponents deck.
Decent but the what are you going to use if you can't set up either Reshiram or Magmortar and please specify which Embroar also use PONT instead of Juniper it's more useful if using a deck that needs to use multiple energys. Also use and make sure there aren't things in your plan that will ruin your deck like Gyrados that will ruin your deck in seconds flat.
I had already thought about this once I heard about Emboar. I would suggest taking stuff out since its a deff HGSS on rotation.

PETM, PONT, can save you in a worst case scenario.

-2 Uxie
-4 Sableye/Tomb
-3 VS Seeker
-3 Juniper
-3 Reshiram (I do understand the constant 120, but Emboar can take the secondary attacking spot in a sqeeze situation)

+4 {R} Energy. You want to keep a constant mill going. This will help.
+3-3 Ninetails HGSS and UL (2 UL, 1 HGSS or vice versa) This is for Energy attachment and draw
+3 PONT. Who doesn't need hand refresh.
+2 PETM. Quick Evo Search.

I assume you mean the Ability Emboar or this deck fails badly.

You could add Burned tower for a stadium but I can see anything else to take out.
Since this decklist contains 60 cards, it belongs in the Deck Garage forum.
