I was looking at card after the b/w prerelease and I put together this deck, let me know what you think if I need to add something or take something out.
2-2-2 Emboar
3-3 Magmortar (TR)
4 Sableye/Spiritomb
3 Reshiram
2 Uxie
3 Collectors
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Fisherman
4 Energy Retrieval
3 Professor Juniper
3 Vs Seeker
3 Junk Arm
Energy: 17
17 Fire Energy
Load up on fire energy either on Reshiram and keep the 120 damage or put the energy on Magmortar and mill the opponents deck.
2-2-2 Emboar
3-3 Magmortar (TR)
4 Sableye/Spiritomb
3 Reshiram
2 Uxie
3 Collectors
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Fisherman
4 Energy Retrieval
3 Professor Juniper
3 Vs Seeker
3 Junk Arm
Energy: 17
17 Fire Energy
Load up on fire energy either on Reshiram and keep the 120 damage or put the energy on Magmortar and mill the opponents deck.