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Aspiring Trainer
3-2-3 Empoleon
3-3 Accelgor
3 Emolga
1 Mew EX
3 Max Potion
4 Pokemon Catcher
4 Rare Candy
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Ultra Ball
3 Level Ball
3 Cheren
1 Random Reciever
3 Switch
3 N
2 Juniper
6 Water
4 Double Colorless Energy​
Strategy: Set up 2-3 Accelgor immediately and Empoleon later. Use DCE as fuel for Accelgor and lock up any of the opponent's Pokemon with Paralysis and Poison. The idea is to make them burn their Switch, if they run any, so they have no escape. Use Empoleon for drawing power and an occasional attack if the benches are full. Use Mew EX as a Mewtwo counter, DCE and boom Mewtwo's gone. It can also use Accelgor's move if Accelgor are becoming hard to come by and hit for weakness on a few cards.
Darkrai/Hydreigon: Does pretty well. Accelgor locks up Darkrai efficiently and they don't normally run switch so it's generally a pretty easy win.
Eel Variants: Rayeel it does fairly well against. It's not easy to lock up Rayquaza, but once the switches are burnt it's pretty easy. Eels are easy to take out with Empoleon and Rayquaza isn't a real threat with only 2 Eels out at once since it can only 2HKO and I make use of Max Potion. Elekou is harder to counter, but not impossible. Accelgors are easy to snipe so it's a safer bet to use Empoleon, but if 2 Accelgors are set up at once then it's easy to lock up Raikou and get a 2HKO utilizing both Accelgor and Empoleon.
Garbodor Variants: Gar/Mewtwo/Terrakion is a hard win. Empoleon can't use its draw power and Accelgor is almost rendered useless unless they have a hard time setting up (which is rarely the case). This is a very hard win. In Gar/Darkrai it's not quite as hard. Darkrai is not great against this deck and is easy to lock up using Accelgor. Garbodors are easy catcher bait for Empoleon but since nobody ever sets up only one Garbodor, it doesn't shut the deck down.
Garchomp Variants: Fluffychomp is almost always a guaranteed win. Altarias are OHKOs (including poison) with Accelgor and Garchomp aren't hard to take down.
Other decks aren't really a concern - none are played often. However, decks like Garbstriker are 9 times out of 10 losses.
Feedback is appreciated and I will consider everything. No list is perfect, so please tell me your opinion, but give me a reason instead of just "-1 Catcher +1 Stunfisk" or something silly like that.

- Dia