Pokemon: 20
3-2-3 Empoleon [Diving Draw]
2-2 Zoroark [Foul Play]
2-2 Mincceno [Do the Wave]
1 Mewtwo EX
3 Darkrai EX
Trainers: 28
4x Dark Patch
3x Professor Juniper
3x N
3x Random Receiver
3x Ultra Ball
2x Super Rod
3x Rare Candy
3x Eviolite
4x Catcher
Energy: 12
4 {C}{C}
So The decks strategy is pretty straightforward: Empoleon is both a good attacker, and a great draw engine for Darkrai, by discarding 1 card, you draw 2, so If I dump a dark energy It can help me draw into patches, and multiple Empoleon mean multiple dumps in situations where Juniper would destroy my hand by dumping it.
Zoroark, Mincenno and Mewtwo Ex, are what I like to call the "Haymaker" Pokemon, as they're techs to do heavy damage to popular decks in the format. Mewtwo counters Darkrai, and Other Mewtwo. Zoroark counters Mewtwo, Zekrom, Zekrom EX, Mincenno counters Sigylph, etc. All 3 of the Pokemon function off of, either 1 DCE, or can use a dark energy to give them free retreat [Zoroark can also be a dark patch target.]
3-2-3 Empoleon [Diving Draw]
2-2 Zoroark [Foul Play]
2-2 Mincceno [Do the Wave]
1 Mewtwo EX
3 Darkrai EX
Trainers: 28
4x Dark Patch
3x Professor Juniper
3x N
3x Random Receiver
3x Ultra Ball
2x Super Rod
3x Rare Candy
3x Eviolite
4x Catcher
Energy: 12
4 {C}{C}
So The decks strategy is pretty straightforward: Empoleon is both a good attacker, and a great draw engine for Darkrai, by discarding 1 card, you draw 2, so If I dump a dark energy It can help me draw into patches, and multiple Empoleon mean multiple dumps in situations where Juniper would destroy my hand by dumping it.
Zoroark, Mincenno and Mewtwo Ex, are what I like to call the "Haymaker" Pokemon, as they're techs to do heavy damage to popular decks in the format. Mewtwo counters Darkrai, and Other Mewtwo. Zoroark counters Mewtwo, Zekrom, Zekrom EX, Mincenno counters Sigylph, etc. All 3 of the Pokemon function off of, either 1 DCE, or can use a dark energy to give them free retreat [Zoroark can also be a dark patch target.]