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Empoleon Deck


is addicted to sonic plushies :)
4-2-4 empoleon dex
0-4 aerodactyle dex
2 kyrogre ex
4 twist mountain
4 rare candy
4 pont
3 n
3 juniper
4 dual ball
3 ultra ball
4 pokemon catcher
10{W} energy

the strategy is to swarm with empoleon
and use attack command to attack use aerodactyle for the 10 extra damage
I highly recommend you to play Terrakion with exp shares. Those will help you greatly with the Darkrai and Zekrom matchups.
Aerodactyl doesn't do a lot for the deck.
You don't need Twist Mountains and Aerodactyls. As posted above, they don't do much, and they're Catcher bait and you don't have a reliable way to bring Aerodactyls into play. You can also get rid of a Prinplup because you run 4 Rare Candy. I reccomend:
- 4 Twist Mountain
- 4 Aerodactyl
- 1 Prinplup
Now, Terrakion is good in this deck, so you want some of him in the deck.
+ 3 Terrakion
+ 2 Exp. Share
+ 4 Prism/ Fighting/ Rainbow Energy (depends on what you want to use)
You probably also want some Switch because of Terrakion's high retreat. You can probably take out some of your draw supporters or Collector for it since you run Dual Ball.
And 12 water energy is WAY to much, I would run 8 If you are going to run only Empoleon. If you listen to Shaymin lv.X (and you should) and run Terrakion I would do maybe a 7/5 split of water/fighting

Smeargle isn't a bad idea, some catchers, Junk Arms. Max Collectors and swap the Ultra Balls for poke communication. Drop the aerodactyle line and get some super rods and switches in there to
Mootoo, Sorry I don't get why you are bringing up Torndaus EX? Are you saying to add it to the decklist, or are you just wanting to tell us the details of his first attack?
And this is another reason to drop Aerodactyl and Twist Mountain, like I said earlier.
Alright, so instead of using areodactyl, there needs to be something usable and basic...

So the Terrakions can be a lovely addition taking out the ton of stadium / fossil things :D

Maybe add some catchers too :3
You should throught in some Techs just like Terakion as everybody is saying and 12 energys is a ton for a Empoleon with a 1 Energy Attack! And Aerdactyl with Twist Mountains should be cut to as it doesnt do much at all for this deck.

-Twist Mountain
- 4 Aerodactyl
- 4 {W} Energy

+ 4 Terakion
+ 4 Fighting Energy
+ 3-4 EXP Share
You should run research record so you can arrange the top 7 cards of your deck in any order, and then use empoleon's ability to draw 2 cards. If I were you I would do this:
-1 twist mountain
-1 rare candy
-2 {W} energy

+4 research record


You also need to run catcher and junk arm
Terrakion would help and max potion would too. Since these Pokemon use so little energy to attack, max potion may help a lot. Maybe around 1-2 could be helpful.
Shaymin Lv.X said:
I highly recommend you to play Terrakion with exp shares. Those will help you greatly with the Darkrai and Zekrom matchups.
Aerodactyl doesn't do a lot for the deck.
well im now afraid of dark deck that much its swarm deck too
and if the zekrom has a full becnh and me too and i have one aerodactly on the bench
i can ohko ekrom with empoleon

Jirachi said:
Terrakion would help and max potion would too. Since these Pokemon use so little energy to attack, max potion may help a lot. Maybe around 1-2 could be helpful.
im with the max potion will try that out
You can use PlusPower instead of Aerodactyl. If you ran enough you would have one in your hand for Zekroms and it is Junk Armable. Now Aerodactyl IS a permanent PlusPower, but what else is he? Catcher bait, because he is so weak. And there isn't a consistent way to get them into play. I think you should test something like this:
- 2 Rare Candy (You have 4, and you run 2 Prinplup so it's not really nessesary)
- 4 Aerodactyl (Just please, try the deck without it and see how it does)
- 4 Twist Mountain (Same as above)
- 2 Catcher (HOLY COW 4 is a bit too much)
- 1 PONT (you still have 9 draw supporters)
- 1 N (okay, 8)

- 14

+ 3 Plus Powers (Replacment for Aerodactyl)
+ 4 Junk Arms (see why you don't need so many Candies and Catchers)
+ 3 Terrakion (is good in the deck and counters Zekeels)
+ 4 Fighting (for Terrakion)

+ 14

You probably want to fit in some Exp. Shares.
If I were you I would do this:
-1 twist mountain
-1 ultra ball
-1 rare candy
-1 pokemon catcher

+4 research record
research record works really well with empoleon's ability. You use it to arrange the top 7 cards of your deck so the best come first. Then you use empoleon's ability, discard a card and draw 2. Then you can sort of control what you draw, helping you a lot.
How would you beat ZekEels? It will popular with Raikou EX and do not think about attaching attaching energy to Aerodactyl.
Yes. Terrakion would help a lot for that purpose. I think 4 research record isn't needed. 4 is an overkill IMO. I'm not sure if it is needed at all.
Research Record is like Potion... Looks good, then you just waist it. Empoleon isn't really used for the Ability IMO more of the attack, 100 (+ 10 for pluspowers etc. etc.) for a simple water energy is a great attack. I also suggest because this is a swarm deck, that you should put Minccino ND, and Cinccino BW in it. This helps with a T2 80 damage if you start right.
I don't think cincinno is too needed. I would rather use that space if you are to add it for terrakion,since it's better against Zekeels.