Experience: Novice
Pokemon (21)
Trainers (32)
Energy (7)
Hi, everyone. I am a novice in playing TCG. I joined a league in my college, got many helps from the nice people there, and have built my first ever tournament-legal deck. Whew that is a tough job for me. I even ordered a custom Empoleon playmat. Just cannot stop loving that penguin. Ah I think I am way too off the topic.
I cannot talk too much about the main strategy for this deck since it is already there. After some testing with other people, mainly 2 Team Plasma, 2 Rayboar, the Fairies, Palkia/Trevenant built by our leader, Flareon/Driflimb/Garbodor, and many more decks online, I am so confused of how to adjust my deck to a metagame here.
I tech-in a Sigilyph in order to help set up and emergence when I run inconsistently with another attacker from the one just being knocked out. There are so many EXs right now besides 1HKO Thundurus for Piplup. I do not run Tropical Beach for reason way too expensive, and I do not like the idea of playing proxy since I will never afford one.
I tech-in Silver Mirror largely due to Team Plasma. Some people may say well it will still get scrappered away, and it is true that I found two are still not that enough. I also tech-in 2 Frozen City because I bumped into Rayboar twice (once unluckily a prized sigilyph and lost since the opponent ran tropical beach and set up more quickly with benched delphox&emboar), and I always found that getting behind and cannot 1HKO Rayquaza is a big problem when dealing with Rayboar, which can hit 180 every turn, making me not able to set up more potential attackers. The Frozen City can induce damage to Rayquaza even when they use Emboar's ability to attach energy to Rayquaza if I am reading the text right. Still, it will lower Empoleon's HP to 120 and can be more easily dragon burst by only 2 fire energy instead of 3, but I only hope can 1HKO THAT dragon (and more 170/180 HP ex) hopefully with 40 (damage from frozen city) + 30 (bangle) + 100 (from attacking command). I know it is ideal that we would have 10 Pokemon in play.
I am sorry for making this post so long. I just have too many thoughts in my mind now. I also want to tech in Max Potion, hard to decide to choose between switch and escape rope, and run out of deck slots of this deck since I want to increase the copies of certain item cards. I would be greatly appreciated for any advice/suggestions, and hopefully we could make this deck better.
Pokemon (21)
- 4 Piplup (DE 27)
- 2 Prinplup (DE 28)
- 4 Empoleon (DE 29)
- 2 Duskull (BC 61)
- 2 Dusknoir (BC 63)
- 2 Leafeon (PF 11)
- 1 Exeggcute (PF 4)
- 1 Mr. Mime (PF 47)
- 2 Eevee (PF 89)
- 1 Sigilyph (DR 52)
Trainers (32)
- 4 Skyla
- 4 N
- 2 Professor Juniper
- 2 Colress
- 4 Rare Candy
- 3 Ulra Ball
- 3 Level Ball
- 1 Tool Scrapper
- 1 Super Rod
- 1 Dowsing Machine
- 2 Silver Bangle
- 2 Silver Mirror
- 2 Frozen City
- 1 Escape Rope
Energy (7)
- 7 Water
Hi, everyone. I am a novice in playing TCG. I joined a league in my college, got many helps from the nice people there, and have built my first ever tournament-legal deck. Whew that is a tough job for me. I even ordered a custom Empoleon playmat. Just cannot stop loving that penguin. Ah I think I am way too off the topic.
I cannot talk too much about the main strategy for this deck since it is already there. After some testing with other people, mainly 2 Team Plasma, 2 Rayboar, the Fairies, Palkia/Trevenant built by our leader, Flareon/Driflimb/Garbodor, and many more decks online, I am so confused of how to adjust my deck to a metagame here.
I tech-in a Sigilyph in order to help set up and emergence when I run inconsistently with another attacker from the one just being knocked out. There are so many EXs right now besides 1HKO Thundurus for Piplup. I do not run Tropical Beach for reason way too expensive, and I do not like the idea of playing proxy since I will never afford one.
I tech-in Silver Mirror largely due to Team Plasma. Some people may say well it will still get scrappered away, and it is true that I found two are still not that enough. I also tech-in 2 Frozen City because I bumped into Rayboar twice (once unluckily a prized sigilyph and lost since the opponent ran tropical beach and set up more quickly with benched delphox&emboar), and I always found that getting behind and cannot 1HKO Rayquaza is a big problem when dealing with Rayboar, which can hit 180 every turn, making me not able to set up more potential attackers. The Frozen City can induce damage to Rayquaza even when they use Emboar's ability to attach energy to Rayquaza if I am reading the text right. Still, it will lower Empoleon's HP to 120 and can be more easily dragon burst by only 2 fire energy instead of 3, but I only hope can 1HKO THAT dragon (and more 170/180 HP ex) hopefully with 40 (damage from frozen city) + 30 (bangle) + 100 (from attacking command). I know it is ideal that we would have 10 Pokemon in play.
I am sorry for making this post so long. I just have too many thoughts in my mind now. I also want to tech in Max Potion, hard to decide to choose between switch and escape rope, and run out of deck slots of this deck since I want to increase the copies of certain item cards. I would be greatly appreciated for any advice/suggestions, and hopefully we could make this deck better.