Experience: Intermediate
Pokemon: 20
Trainers: 33
Energy: 7
Hit consistently turn after turn with Empoleon's attack for one energy, then move around damage on the opponent's field to knock out Pokemon with no wasted damage counters. Leafeon is a terrific attacking force, especially against Blastoise, where not only is there a weakness to Grass, but they will usually have tons of energy on the field, making the attack do tons of damage for one energy. Kyurem is great for getting spread damage, as it does a total of 60 damage, which during your next turn can be manipulated in any way you like. Basically, it's 60 on anything for two energy.
Pokemon: 20
- 4 Piplup DEX
- 1 Prinplup
- 4 Empoleon DEX
- 2 Duskull BCR
- 1 Dusclops
- 2 Dusknoir BCR
- 2 Eevee (Signs of Evolution)
- 2 Leafeon PLF
- 1 Sawk
- 1 Exeggute
Trainers: 33
- 4 Rare Candy
- 3 Level Ball
- 4 Skyla
- 3 Ultra Ball
- 2 Colress
- 3 N
- 2 Silver Bangle
- 2 Professor Juniper
- 2 Max Potion
- 2 Super Rod
- 1 Muscle Band
- 1 Professor's Letter
- 2 Switch
- 1 Tool Scrapper
- 1 Dowsing Machine
Energy: 7
- 7 Water
Hit consistently turn after turn with Empoleon's attack for one energy, then move around damage on the opponent's field to knock out Pokemon with no wasted damage counters. Leafeon is a terrific attacking force, especially against Blastoise, where not only is there a weakness to Grass, but they will usually have tons of energy on the field, making the attack do tons of damage for one energy. Kyurem is great for getting spread damage, as it does a total of 60 damage, which during your next turn can be manipulated in any way you like. Basically, it's 60 on anything for two energy.