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(Empoleon / Dusknoir) The Empire Strikes Back!

Frost Mage

Experience: Intermediate

Pokemon: 20
  • 4 Piplup DEX
  • 1 Prinplup
  • 4 Empoleon DEX
  • 2 Duskull BCR
  • 1 Dusclops
  • 2 Dusknoir BCR
  • 2 Eevee (Signs of Evolution)
  • 2 Leafeon PLF
  • 1 Sawk
  • 1 Exeggute

Trainers: 33
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 Level Ball
  • 4 Skyla
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Colress
  • 3 N
  • 2 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Professor Juniper
  • 2 Max Potion
  • 2 Super Rod
  • 1 Muscle Band
  • 1 Professor's Letter
  • 2 Switch
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Dowsing Machine

Energy: 7
  • 7 Water

Hit consistently turn after turn with Empoleon's attack for one energy, then move around damage on the opponent's field to knock out Pokemon with no wasted damage counters. Leafeon is a terrific attacking force, especially against Blastoise, where not only is there a weakness to Grass, but they will usually have tons of energy on the field, making the attack do tons of damage for one energy. Kyurem is great for getting spread damage, as it does a total of 60 damage, which during your next turn can be manipulated in any way you like. Basically, it's 60 on anything for two energy.
RE: The Empire Strikes Back!

Sup. I play Empire too. My suggestions for this deck:
-1 Kyurem PLF (I don't like this card as the energy commitment is too big seeing as you only play 7 water, and the attacks not over whelming, but it is personal opinion and experience)
-1 Mr Mime (Again, an underwhelming card in testing for me, but once again, personal opinion and experience)
-2 Level Ball (Consistency over pleasure)
-1 Colress (Yes, it is Empoleon, but your opponent will try limit their bench, so this card isn't as good as it may seem)
-1 Max potion (Techy card. Extremely opinionated, but i like running just the 1 as it can be a great dowsing target)

Now with this, I am trying to make additions to make the deck more consistent (I will not add beach as most players don't have access, and if you had some, you would've already added them in)

+2 N (extremely good in this deck, as you don't really want discards)
+1 Prinplup (may seem like an odd choice, but its not a tech for trevenant. Its to help stream Empoleon. Its alot easier to hit an ultra ball or empoleon than that plus a rare candy)
+1 Tool Scrapper (I'm not sure if you forgot this card, but it is crucial)
+1 Switch
+1 Dusclops (same reasoning as Empoleon, if you have this in play the chances of a dusknoir increase dramatically) OR +1 Professor Juniper (still a good card, I play 3 in my deck)

Possible techs: Flareon, Jirachi.....Just if you want a better matchup against virgen or a more consistent deck.
RE: The Empire Strikes Back!

zavtac said:
Sup. I play Empire too. My suggestions for this deck:
-1 Kyurem PLF (I don't like this card as the energy commitment is too big seeing as you only play 7 water, and the attacks not over whelming, but it is personal opinion and experience)
-1 Mr Mime (Again, an underwhelming card in testing for me, but once again, personal opinion and experience)
-2 Level Ball (Consistency over pleasure)
-1 Colress (Yes, it is Empoleon, but your opponent will try limit their bench, so this card isn't as good as it may seem)
-1 Max potion (Techy card. Extremely opinionated, but i like running just the 1 as it can be a great dowsing target)

Now with this, I am trying to make additions to make the deck more consistent (I will not add beach as most players don't have access, and if you had some, you would've already added them in)

+2 N (extremely good in this deck, as you don't really want discards)
+1 Prinplup (may seem like an odd choice, but its not a tech for trevenant. Its to help stream Empoleon. Its alot easier to hit an ultra ball or empoleon than that plus a rare candy)
+1 Tool Scrapper (I'm not sure if you forgot this card, but it is crucial)
+1 Switch
+1 Dusclops (same reasoning as Empoleon, if you have this in play the chances of a dusknoir increase dramatically) OR +1 Professor Juniper (still a good card, I play 3 in my deck)

Possible techs: Flareon, Jirachi.....Just if you want a better matchup against virgen or a more consistent deck.
I'm liking the Kyurem. I know it's a larger energy investment, but I think it's worth it as a basic. Mr. Mime is great against Darkrai, simple as that. I play 4 Level Balls because I'll be searching out nearly everything with it. As for Colress, I'm not sure. With a full bench, I draw 5, and most players tend to just ignore it and put down the Pokemon they need, saying "screw it" to the extra damage, but it could always change. Max Potion is one of my favorite cards in this deck, and I like the idea of 2. It can really help stall a 2HKO up to a 3HKO, and it's perfect in this deck with only 1 energy to attack. For the Ns, I think I just ran out of space at this point. You don't always want to give your opponent a new hand, and you'll be drawing for 5 most of the time with just your full bench. I will consider Prinplup for consistency, perhaps even two. I probably should add a Tool Scrapper, but I can't find the space. Switch I could definitely use. Same for Dusclops. Juniper... Ehh. It takes up space in a deck that doesn't need to discard your entire hand in most situations.

Thanks for your input!
RE: The Empire Strikes Back!

Yup, as I said, all opinion. Thats what I love about the Pokemon TCG, and especially Empoleon, there is so much choice to what you can do with your deck. (I run Landorus EX in my Empoleon list :p) It seems though you are extremely tight on space, and consistency will eventually come to bite you. Also, I disagree on colress also because as soon as you have empoleons set up, you will not dead draw. It's getting to that stage where you need the supporters, and Colress doesn't help in that crucial, crucial stage of the game. Just a thought.
Wow, well I did forget Tool Scrapper. It's in my deck, I just forgot to post it. :p I'll update soon.

EDIT: Updated list!
Landorus EX isn't bad in Empoleon / Dusknoir although I've been thinking about running a 2-2 Dugtrio line with Silver Bangle to get around Darkrai even though I'll have trouble against Blastoise without Leafeon, and Jirachi EX for Stellar Guidance is nice for when your hand is depleted especially as a counter against Plasma Kyurem If you run 7 Water and 3 Metal energies.

1 Dusclops helps tremendously If you can find the space for it and you may want to run 2 Exeggcute instead of 1. I'd recommend taking Juniper out for Shauna just so that you don't risk discarding any Rare Candies when you need to draw although one game I played I was forced to discard 2 Rare Candies to play Ultra Ball. I'd also take Muscle Band out for a 3rd Silver Bangle including Switch, stick with 2 Colress, and 1 Max Potion. 2 Professor's Letter is also great in here as well If you can find room.