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Expanded Empoleon/Sandslash


Aspiring Trainer
Pokémon: 21
4 Empoleon UlP
3 Prinplup UlP
4 Piplup UlP (Toys-R-Us)
3 Alolan Sandslash GuR (1 Prerelease, 1 Staff Prerelease)
4 Alolan Sandshrew GuR (1 alt print)
1 Oranguru SuMo Base
1 Shaymin EX
1 Jirachi EX (I'm poor. But it's full art!! Damaged though...)

Trainers: 29
3 Sky Field

2 Professor Sycamore
2 N
2 Cynthia
2 Lillie
2 Lysandre
1 Brigette

4 Ultra Ball
2 Choice Band
2 Float Stone
1 Dive Ball
3 Rare Candy
1 Rescue Stretcher
1 Super Rod
1 Professor's Letter

Energy: 10
3 Counter Energy
3 Splash Energy
3 Water Energy
1 Super Boost Energy

This deck is very straightforward. Sandslash is the draw help, rather than Octillery, because people are more likely to intentionally take out an Octillery than a Sandslash. That, and Sandshrew has bought me countless turns with Defense curl.

I fell this deck is lacking in the energy department. I'm no sure where to cut for Energy...
I also think that Super Boost isn't necessary? I'm not sure, but I think a basic water woulf be fine. Regardless, I ned more energy. Please help! I don't know what to cut!!
I also think that a fourth Rare candy and another Jirachi would be a good idea?
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You could play Mallow. With 2 Sandslash, you get to cherry pick 2 cards you want. Another suggestion is Colress, since it is MUCH more powerful than Lillie. You also do not need more Energy. 10 is PLENTY. If you have any sort of strong draw support, Energy shouldn't be a problem. And a little word of advice: play Octillery. If people intentionally try to take it out, that's an Empoleon that isn't being taken off the field, plus 2-2 Octillery takes up 3 less spots than your 4-3 Alolan Sandslash line. Plus it opens up the option of Level Ball, which would grab you Piplup, Prinplup, Remoraid, Octillery, and Jirachi-EX. Ace Specs are also an important part of expanded decks. Master Ball, Life Dew, or Rock Guard are all better than nothing, and are all dirt cheap. If you expect yourself to be behind on prizes, Ace Trainer is another amazing card that only helps Empoleon. It's like a beefed up N early game while you take your time to set up.
You could play Mallow. With 2 Sandslash, you get to cherry pick 2 cards you want. Another suggestion is Colress, since it is MUCH more powerful than Lillie. You also do not need more Energy. 10 is PLENTY. If you have any sort of strong draw support, Energy shouldn't be a problem. And a little word of advice: play Octillery. If people intentionally try to take it out, that's an Empoleon that isn't being taken off the field, plus 2-2 Octillery takes up 3 less spots than your 4-3 Alolan Sandslash line. Plus it opens up the option of Level Ball, which would grab you Piplup, Prinplup, Remoraid, Octillery, and Jirachi-EX. Ace Specs are also an important part of expanded decks. Master Ball, Life Dew, or Rock Guard are all better than nothing, and are all dirt cheap. If you expect yourself to be behind on prizes, Ace Trainer is another amazing card that only helps Empoleon. It's like a beefed up N early game while you take your time to set up.
Oof; I can't afford octillery...
I like this feedback, but I'm still faced with the issue of what to cut. But I'm positive I prefer Sandslash to Octillery.
9 water energys and 4 patches seems fine for Empoleon
Also in you op you put "people are more likely to intentionally take out an Octillery than an octillery"
Here's what I would take out
-1 Sandshrew
-1Super rod
-7 Non basic energy's

And Add
+6 water energys
+4 Vs seekers
+4Aqua patches
+1Dive ball

You should start there and mayb change a bit here and there and extra briggete or teamtes could make this deck better for instance