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Empoleon Terrakion Bw-on


Aspiring Trainer
With the new format announced, I decided to make an Empoleon/Terrakion deck. I know that Darkrai variants are popular and that hydreigon and garchomp will be played a lot, but this deck isnt intended to be super competitive.
Pokémon 15
4-1-4 Empoleon
3 Terrakion
2 Emolga (gets out basics)
1 Mewtwo EX (Maybe change it for Mew EX?)
T/S/S 36
4 N
3 Cheren
3 Juniper
2 Bianca
4 rare candy
3 Pokémon catcher
2 super rod
2 switch
3 level ball
2 Random Reciever
2 ultra ball
2 rescue scarf
2 tool scrapper
2 exp share
Energy 10
3 Blend {W}{L}{F}{M}
5 {W}
2 {F}
-1 Mewtwo EX
+1 Terrakion

You really dont need Mewtwo EX since Empoleon can withstand X-Ball since it uses only 1 energy.

One more Terrakion because of the abundance of Darkrai EX in the meta.

-2 Super Rod
+2 Revive

In my current playtesting I found revive to be better since it places a basic immediately on your bench from your discard pile.

-2 rescue scarf
-2 tool scrapper
-2 ultra ball

+2 exp. share
+2 heavy ball
+ 2 pokemon communication

since Empoleon does Diving Draw you dont want to use ultra ball since ultra ball requires discarding 2 cards. heavy ball and pokemon communication is better in getting out pokemon. pokemon communication for empoleon while heavy ball for terrakion. Since you are heavy on Terrakion its better to use more exp. share.

-1 N or Cheren
- 1 Bianca or Cheren
+2 Energy Retrieval

Empoleon uses Diving Draw so you can subtract these 2 supporters and exchange them with energy retrieval to get energy from your discard pile.

-3 Blend Energy
+1 Water Energy
+2 Fighting

Since you will be using XP share and energy retrieval you are better off with all basic energy.